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Custom moulds for IEM's?


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I bought a pair of Shure SE215 IEM's a while back and am very pleased with the audio quality of these! However, my left ear piece doesn't stay in very well no matter which bud I use and I'm now thinking custom moulds.


I'm totally new to custom moulds and not sure which way to go about it. Is it possible to get custom moulds for my SE215's?

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ACS do a custom sleeve for SE215s. I bought ACS T3s but the process is the same, you go to an audiologist who takes impressions of your ears and sends them off to ACS, about three weeks later your moulds will arrive. They cost £120 but, if they are as comfortable as the T3s then they're worth every penny. Two words of warning though, I have had three sets of impressions taken and it seems my left ear is just awkward, I still haven't quite got a perfect fit (very close but the left one does work loose after a while) I've resigned myself to living with them as they are superb despite this (very minor) niggle. The other thing is to go and get your ears syringed (available free on request from the NHS, just contact your GP) before you go as they will just send you away to have them done before they'll take the impressions. Finally Boots Hearingcare do them at 10% off.
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Thanks for the replies. I've managed to find the following companies so far :-








The ACS ones seem to come highly recommended. Has anyone had any experience with any of the other companies?

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Strange as it may seem its cheaper to get the ACS custom moulds through Boots,


Book your appointment at Boots Hearing, get the impressions done, pay for the moulds, 2 weeks later hey presto :)


Boots are currently charging £90 (or they were when I had mine done a couple of months ago).






PS I should say I'm very happy with them and I'll probably upgrade from the 215s to 425s which should fit in the same mould.

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Thanks for the replies. I've managed to find the following companies so far :-








The ACS ones seem to come highly recommended. Has anyone had any experience with any of the other companies?


Just to add to this - The MP3 Company is now known as the Custom IEM Company :)



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I don't suppose anyone has a picture of the 215s with custom moulds attached? I can't quite visualise it, and as I have a couple of pairs of these with the foam moulds which seem to work in my ears, I quite fancy doing one of them. Although my Boots doesn't do it.
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Stupid supplementary question. When you have the headphones, do you take these in with you so they can push the transducers into the moulds when squiggly? I was wondering how they get the alignment right?


ACS scan the impression your audiologist takes and store it digitally (for 3 years I think in case you need another set making). They use the scan to create your custom moulds so I guess they'll have the profile of the IEMs in their system to create the correct fit.

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