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MagicQ - chase within a stack


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Ive had a look through the manual but couldnt see any info . .


Is it possible and if so how can you have a chase within a cue stack.


Ie Cue 1 .... Lights Up

Cue 2 .... Add center special

Cue 3 .... chase back pars

cue 4 ... stop chase pars - fade to full.



Ive only got as far as being able to turn cues into a chase and looping them. But then how would you stop that chase running and be able to bang onto the next static cue.

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For having a chase within a stack, there's two ways really. Best way I've found is to use macros to activate and stop the chase stored on another PB or stack.


Also, under the cue stack options under "Buttons" is a "Go jumps out of loop" which you can use to come out of that loop and back into a static cue, however I've often found this a bit awkward.


Another option is if you're just chasing pars, maybe just use the FX engine such as a dim chase on a group of your back pars to make the effect and keep that within a single cue as normal?




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Ah ok. All of that makes sense.


I thought more than likely re the macro option.


The fx gen idea is good, but the chases would really be for mover stuff - for example bumping from one colour to the next (ditto beamshape) so I dont think the fx gen would cater for that.


I'll have a crack with the macro idea.


Thanks chaps :-)

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Ah ok. All of that makes sense.


I thought more than likely re the macro option.


The fx gen idea is good, but the chases would really be for mover stuff - for example bumping from one colour to the next (ditto beamshape) so I dont think the fx gen would cater for that.


I'll have a crack with the macro idea.


Thanks chaps :-)


The macro option is the best way forward, but you can have a chase within a cue stack. As Craig pointed out, set the 'GO jumps out of loop' cue stack option to yes, and change the individual cue type of the chase cues to chase in the cue stack. Voila - chase-within-stack.


The FX engine in the latest build will also happily do that; use a 'colour flick' (think that's what it's called?) effect and specify the colour you want via a colour palette. To be honest, I'd probably go with the effects engine over using a chase, unless you want really fine control of what happens.

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Ah ok. All of that makes sense.


I thought more than likely re the macro option.


The fx gen idea is good, but the chases would really be for mover stuff - for example bumping from one colour to the next (ditto beamshape) so I dont think the fx gen would cater for that.


I'll have a crack with the macro idea.


Thanks chaps :-)


The macro option is the best way forward, but you can have a chase within a cue stack. As Craig pointed out, set the 'GO jumps out of loop' cue stack option to yes, and change the individual cue type of the chase cues to chase in the cue stack. Voila - chase-within-stack.


The FX engine in the latest build will also happily do that; use a 'colour flick' (think that's what it's called?) effect and specify the colour you want via a colour palette. To be honest, I'd probably go with the effects engine over using a chase, unless you want really fine control of what happens.



Im just using scans, Mark - as opposed to a cmy colour picker. Also - because Im using 2 different makes of scan, the 'red ' and 'blue' arnt in the same slots.

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.... Although presumably your Red palette is red in everything?


Another cue stack fired by macro is my favoured way of doing a chase in the middle of a list. It's easier to repeat several times in the stack, easier to edit and swap out / change significantly during production.

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I'd agree with Rob - rather than building your resource right into the cue stack you are just using it as to reference an external separate event - ie the chase - which can then be simply modified in its own right if need be.
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.... Although presumably your Red palette is red in everything?


Another cue stack fired by macro is my favoured way of doing a chase in the middle of a list. It's easier to repeat several times in the stack, easier to edit and swap out / change significantly during production.



yes Indy ! Your right about the palette. Only that on the fixture the red and blue are not next to each other on the wheel! Theres no real way to do it short of swapping around the colour tiles or replacing with cmy units . . .

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I also preffer the cuestack macro option for this case.


I have a touring show where the opening has a very specific chase that cannot be done by FX.. I actually created individual cues for the final stack in say w3 or w4 playbacks in individual playbacks and in order.


Then to start the show I just "go" an "empty" playback which does nothing other than activate w3-1 to w3-2 to w3-3 etc etc (while also de-activating cues which are finnished with).

Rember to add a final "go" to deactivate the final cue if you need to release control for busking or any other playback! Releasing the playback which has the macro in will not actually release the final playback that is running!!


I found this way clearer to work with for any updates or bugfixing later.. I could just check item by item along the line.

It was also clearer for any other techs who may need to opp on days I might not be available.

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