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Bulgin dimmers: can you tell me more please?


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Hi there,


I am just wondering if somebody can help me out a little, I've acquired some equipment. I am not sure the full details about this dimmer pack. I know it's a pulsar. with what's on the front, there are also Bulgin type plugs on the back, (May have been installed separately?) the only picture I have at the moment I will add. Can you tell me anymore about this unit please?



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What do you need to know about it? Can you post a picture of the back so we can tell you what sort of control signal it needs?


I'd hazard a guess from the looks of the age of it that it will probably need an analogue control signal. The bulgin socket on the back will most likely be paired with the 15A outlets on the front. If you search for 'Pulsar RackPack', the datasheet should pop up near the top of the results!



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Looking at that photo, there appears to be an extra six fuses above the dimmer pack. My guess is that they are fuses for a separate switch pack etc. - Hence the Bulgin sockets on the back?


From the "professional" look of the labels, and the lack of any other labels or Identification, it may be home-made / kit built. If this is the case, you may struggle to find information.


Just another note to add, early Pulsar dimmers carried six ways of dimming control over two 5 pin DIN connectors. One for channels 1-3, and the other for channels 4-6


Hope this helps slightly.



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I have used loads of dimmers like this one.Pulsar may very well have made a model with Bulgin outs, they often changed specs and made things to order for customers.

The clever thing about most pulsar dimmers is that most faults can be fixed with a smack on the outer casing.

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Hi guys thanks for the replies. I will try to post a pic of the back tonight. All I know is on the back it has several bulgin and several IEC sockets aswell. But will be better for you to see a picture. The pack also came with 4 racks of four par cans.



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...it may be home-made / kit built. If this is the case, you may struggle to find information.


^^^^^ What Jim said ^^^^^


There's no way anyone can tell you anything about it just from photos. The unit lower right appears to be some sort of chaser with what looks like sound activation. But other than that you're on your own.


You need to find a friend who owns a test meter and knows how to use it to reverse engineer home-built kit. Or, accept that it's a unit built for a specific purpose and strip it apart and rebuild it into a more 'normal' configuration.

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I'm going to guess there are a bunch of relays in there to swiutch the stobe and scanners and stuff. They will be controlled though that D type connector.


Somewhere there is a control desk for this thing...

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Yes, this is very much a home-build!


Strip it for parts. I would never trust an unknown entity's design for mains power control.


Chances are that when you've got the back off you'll find it's been built up using a few separate off-the-shelf modules, like the Pulsar RackPack itself that you may or may not find useful.

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