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video projection for we will rock you


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Hi There


Any have or know where I can get video projections for schools version of 'we will rock you'? I know I could try and and do it myself but just thought if anyone had already done it and have it sat in a draw somewhere then maybe I could borrow it. I am prepared to pay a fee if required.



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Every version I have seen - and I've lost count now, the projections are always different. I suspect a lot of the fun of this show for everyone, is the huge number of jobs on offer for people with non-acting/singing skills. It's project work for almost every department. Using other people's work would be quite tricky, because very often, the content in terms of what the audience see, means something to them personally - perhaps in terms of familiar things, or people. If you have multiple screens, then some schools have done clever stuff with them moving around, others ignore this and just use a fixed screen that already exists with live content. Finding somebody else's that fits your version will be tricky, and maybe would even then modify your version by you all having to fit around somebody else's vision.


You could bring in all sorts of stuff from other people's productions - set, music, projections even costumes - but unless you really don't have time - this is a cop out. Difficult to say "our" show, when it's just a collection of other people's?


You'll also find that the video content people use is VERY variable. Those with good kit will create interesting set components, others just show the killer queen.


What are you hoping to find?

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Every version I have seen - and I've lost count now, the projections are always different. I suspect a lot of the fun of this show for everyone, is the huge number of jobs on offer for people with non-acting/singing skills. It's project work for almost every department. Using other people's work would be quite tricky, because very often, the content in terms of what the audience see, means something to them personally - perhaps in terms of familiar things, or people. If you have multiple screens, then some schools have done clever stuff with them moving around, others ignore this and just use a fixed screen that already exists with live content. Finding somebody else's that fits your version will be tricky, and maybe would even then modify your version by you all having to fit around somebody else's vision.


You could bring in all sorts of stuff from other people's productions - set, music, projections even costumes - but unless you really don't have time - this is a cop out. Difficult to say "our" show, when it's just a collection of other people's?


You'll also find that the video content people use is VERY variable. Those with good kit will create interesting set components, others just show the killer queen.


What are you hoping to find?


I get what you are saying entirely in fact I am trying to create my own production for example spending all next week building my own set to mine and the directors own ideas. We are using a fixed screen and will be speaking to the director next week to see if the school media department can come up with anything. I would like some live video for killer queen which is not difficult. I suppose I was just looking for anything that would make life easier as I suspect that the media department may be less than helpful however I have a very good media department at the college I work at who could possibly transform my ideas.



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Keep an eye on the videoblocks website. It's a content site that's normally quite expensive to subscribe to, but recently they've been doing some 7 day trials where you can download 20 clips a day for free. Just remember to put it in your diary to leave the site or they'll start charging you!


There's nothing specifically done for WWRY on there but with a little creativity there's gallons of content available. Things like the star field for the opening (which, once you've got the travelling through stars bit, even windows movie maker will let you do the flying writing). I projected a giant fish tank behind the Killer Queen at her base.

There are also some Globalsoft logos on YouTube. I reckon if you contacted their owner, they might let you have permission to use them - they look to be posted by a high school as opposed to a firm.


Remember as well that your content doesn't have to be computer generated. When they descend in to Tottenham Court Road, get the art department to create a long collage, then mount a camera overhead and record it being slowly pulled upwards past the camera as they descend.

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