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MIDI Issues Windows XP

Vin Trouble

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Hello, I am wondering if anyone can give me any help with my MIDI problem. I work in a duo, using backing tracks with an old program called Alien Apparatus, which plays my backing tracks, and also allows me to write DMX light shows and MIDI Program Changes to each backing track. I currently have a laptop and a netbook running Windows 7, and they go into a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB sound module for the sound and MIDI. The DMX signal goes to a foot controller that has a DMX out to the lighting rig. This all works fine. However, I have bought a cheap Zoostorm Fizz netbook running Win XP, and have installed Alien Apparatus and the drivers for the Saffire on it. The sound outputs through the Saffire, mostly using .wav and some mp3 files, but when I try and control my guitar processor ( Line6 HD500X) via MIDI, nothing happens. I have uninstalled all software and tried again, but same result. As I said, works fine in Win 7. I have selected the Saffire in all the options boxes that I can see, but havenow hit a dead end. Any ideas, folks? Thanks in advance.
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I'm curious as to why you want to go from a modern, stable OS such as Win 7 to an operating system which, although very stable, was originally introduced 13 years ago. With support to be discontinued fully in a couple of weeks, it seems that XP has had it's day.


If you've got it working on Win7, stick with Windows 7. It's a good stable OS with time behind it.



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I'm curious as to why you want to go from a modern, stable OS such as Win 7 to an operating system which, although very stable, was originally introduced 13 years ago. With support to be discontinued fully in a couple of weeks, it seems that XP has had it's day.


If you've got it working on Win7, stick with Windows 7. It's a good stable OS with time behind it.




I'm not really going to leave Win 7 - my main gigging laptop and backup have this - I got a netbook very cheap and it just happens to have XP on board. If I can't get it working I can easily buy a Win 7 disc and install it. I was just asking if anyone had any ideas re XP MIDI issues.I should also add that the Alien software is of a compatible age to XP, and support for XP isn't really a problem, as the netbook would be used for precious little else except gigging backup.

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I used to have issues getting Lightfactory (Lx control software) to listen to an M-audio Oxygen 8 keyboard which presented MIDI over USB. From memory (it's been a while) I had to go into the control panel and then the sound device settings - and force it to find/see the M-audio MIDI interface.


Have you tried this?



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I've had problems getting xp to see a midi interface, if I remember correctly I think it was something to do with the number of times it had been plugged and unplugged. Each plugging put a new entry in the registry and I had to do some sort of registry cleaning thing to get rid of the old entries. The midi interface would not show up at all in this situation, not sure if that's what you're seeing.
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Thanks for the replies, guys. I can see the Focusrite in every drop down menu in XP I can find, even one asking for MIDI to be enabled/disabled for the Saffire. I'll have a look at the registry, too, although even the first attempt at plugging in the Saffire didn't work MIDI, wise. Works great as a soundcard, though.
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Thanks for the replies, guys. I can see the Focusrite in every drop down menu in XP I can find, even one asking for MIDI to be enabled/disabled for the Saffire. I'll have a look at the registry, too, although even the first attempt at plugging in the Saffire didn't work MIDI, wise. Works great as a soundcard, though.


+1 upgrade to Windows 7 via any means possible

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+1 upgrade to Windows 7 via any means possible

Firstly I hope you are not implying an illegal installation, apart from the moral implications, The Blue Room cannot be seen to be condoning piracy. Secondly you are assuming that the hardware will run windows 7 ok - a machine that runs XP could be ten years old...

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