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Post Graduate degrees in LX

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Does the subject of lighting design have sufficent "depth" to warrant a post-graduate degree?


(I seem to dimly recall Ken Coker asking this question some time back, but can't find it via Google - perhaps Ken could jump in?)

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I think there is more than enough depth in lighting design to warrant post-graduate study in the field. I am partiucarly interested in deign for theatre and architecture, but from a fair bit of googling havent found much info. Its definately something I would like to pursue as both an academic and a lighting designer.


I am from Australia, so I dont know annything about Rose Bruford or the Central School of Speech and Drama aside from what Ive just read on their respective sites. Can anyone provide insight or critism into their courses?

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The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama are currently developing a one year post graduate course in lighting design. If all goes to plan, the course will register the first students in September 2006.


We also hope to launch the course at this year's ABTT show and I've offered the Blue Room (via Peter Kirkup) a seminar/discussion on the format and content of the course during the ABTT show.


Will post more details on this site once confirmed.


Dave Roxburgh

Head of Stage Management

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

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Does anyone know of any post grad courses in the world for lighting design?


I'm currently a lighting design strand student on the Central School of Speech & Drama's MA in Advanced Theatre Practice. http://www.cssd.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/pg_lighting.htm


There are four of us and I make no claim to speak for any of my colleagues.


I came to the course an Electrician with a craft based approach to lighting design and a degree of scepticism for devising and group work with performers.


Because I have input right through the creative process, making lighting completely integral to the work. I'm having a great time and I'm looking forward to final term, which starts on 18th April.


I've found the writing hard work, but if you don't like hard work there are other jobs.


One thing I shall be forever grateful for is making me read Richard Palmer's "The Lighting Art" http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/0135010810.01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg - A truly brilliant book.


There are only four or five LD places each year because of the company structure of the course.


Next years LD's will have a brand new Lighting & Digital Media Lab in part of Central's new buildings (opening October).


For me it is the best £4,600 I've ever spent.



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Two of my BSc students have gone on to the MA at CSSD and it seems to have served them very well indeed - and I know we have another student keen to follow this route in 2006.


I guess that what one gets from a course depends on what one brings to it.


I am considering developing a MA/MSc myself - which is partly the reason for my posts in other parts of the site - but I wouldn't hold your breath.





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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the internal info, that Mountview are adding a new postgraduate course soon.......or updating the current postgraduate course!


If you wanna have a look at what Mountview can produce, then come to their exhibition in June!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think you actual need a degree or qualification in Lighting design. From the people I know they just went to uni to do a standard course and lit as many shows as possible whilst there (the theatre groups etc...) and then went in for an apprenticship (sp?) with an established designer. My advice would be to talk to designers in your area or touring shows and decide you direction from there.


BTW, does WAAPA have anything? I believe they have a diploma in lighting for performance (link: http://waapa.ecu.edu.au/courses/courses_vi...c_id=0000000023 )


That's Western Australia Academy for performing Arts (the central/RADA of Australia)



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

For those of you wishing to attend the RWCMD session tomorrow at the ABTT show where they will discuss their new post-graduate Lighting Design course, the details are as follows:


11am in the Meeting Room. Go down the stairs opposite the entrance way, then double back on yourself and follow signs for the "Meeting Room". Lecturers from the college will be in attendance to discuss the new course, as well as answer any questions you may have about RWCMD or education within the indsutry in general. All are welcome.

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  • 10 months later...

The Royal Wlesh College of Music and Drama is launching a new Post Graduate Diploma in Lighting Design this Autumn. The course is only just been validated and will be advertised shortly. It includes five lighting designs and a showcase of portfolio in Cardiff and London.


There are only two places on the course and the College has already secured schoalrship support form Martin UK.


If anyone is interested, details of the course will be published on our web site www.rwcmd.ac.uk soon, in the meantime if you would like details of the course, please email me on roxburghd@rwcmd.ac.uk


Dave Roxbrugh

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