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Moving Light With Framing Shutters

Tim gregory

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It's a hybrid fixture, similar to the Mac Air FX.


Technically speaking it MAY be able to do the job, depending on the OP's requirements, but I suspect that a profile with framing shutters will give him the most flexibility in this particular case. By definition "Wash/Beam", this isn't. MMX Blade or one of the others mentioned would probably be the smarter choice.



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Anything in the Martin Mac range with "performance" in the name will have framing shutters.


However, I think you will struggle to get a fixture with a small footprint that has framing shutters from any manufacturer because a shutter module is quote bulky.




My two cents :)

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Clay Paky Alpha Profile 700/800 or the Robe Robin DLS/MMX Blade are a good shout in this situation I feel, with the MMX Blade being the brightest on paper in OW. All are fairly small footprint but you are going to be paying a premium for any of these unless you can get a second hand deal.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


Thanks for all the suggestions.


In the end we I couldn't find a framing fixture that was light enough or cheap enough to fit the budget, so I ended up using some small Robe fixtures with a rectangular Gobo.


I have attached a pic of the what we did.




The premise was to load up these 'pallets' with electric T-lights handed out earlier in the event (as pictured below)and then blast some light from behind.




But you can't beat Molefays...






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