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Line6 XD-75


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Line 6 XD-75 lapel mics.


So I bit the bullet and bought an 8 way system with the distro and directional paddles. I purchased 8 handhelds and 8 belt packs to go with the 8 recievers.


To begin with I was getting a fair few drop outs with a full house using either the handhelds or lapels. We scanned the channels and picked the cleanest channels which was a quick fix for an 8 way system but not really ideal for a 12 way system.


So at Plasa last year I went to the Line 6 head of development and he told me how to turn the packs RF from RF2 which only flicks between 2 bands back to the original RF1 which uses 5 I think. This was instantly better and over our pantomime run of 42 shows we had no RF drop out whatsoever.


Paired with was well priced JTS 4 pin mini XLRs from CPC (CM201 £40) I lost one lapel over the whole run so I’m very happy with the match of the packs and the mics. This saved be a couple of grand on hire which I can now invest in maybe some second hand macs or source fours.


Thought I would share my experience as it was a positive one and this gear is really new ground.



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It's been a bone of contention for some time now that by default the mics arrive set to use RF2 - it catches out many new users who then go on-line to slate the product in blissful ignorance of the RF1 mode. Reading the manual right through explains all of course ;)


I've been using them for several years now, usually alongside Sennheiser G3s and am very happy with them. I had minor teething trouble with an early beltpack which was sorted under warranty. The battery compartment lid is my only slight gripe as they can pop open if they're just clipped on to clothes rather than used in a belt pouch - front end of the pantomime cow this year managed to drop his mid-show...

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There's a lot more about info about RF1 & RF2 modes in Mark Payne's article here.


I've got 4 of the older V70 units & have just got a V75. So, I'm planning upgrade the firmware of the older systems to give me more options, but it looks as if it's not a simple job, especially for the transmitters. Anybody got any experience of doing this?

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I upgraded all of my older units when I bought a V75 last year. It's actually not a difficult job to do - there are detailed instructions and videos on Line6's website that walk you through all the steps. As long as you hold the transmitters in the right orientation while they're upgrading, it should go smoothly.
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