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Is there a delay on Bluetooth headphones


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At my church there is a guitarist who is really keen to get some bluetooth headphones to use as cheap IEMs. Now there are all sorts of reasons why I think this is a really bad idea, but the main one is that I think there will be a delay on the sound.

There seems to be a wide variety of opinion about this on the net. Obviously the normal use is playback of a recording and as such a delay would not be a problem, but for live sound it would. Has anyone ever tried a live Bluetooth audio link?

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I have some which I use with my phone (Jaybird Bluebuds X) and I can happily watch tv on it, theres a couple of frames delay so I'd guess you probably want to look at something else. Perhaps one of the IR type that get used for the hard of hearing headsets could work?
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Ta, there must be a transmitter end with it as he wants to plug it into the Behringer P16 IEM mixer (rather than using with a phone), I think I need to find out what actual model he is thinking of as I suspect they may all behave differently.


Really he should buy a proper IEM system as I think anything else is just going to sound rubbish, we already have the licences to cover it, but that's too much money.

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I've a pair badged just as "Logik" that I use for listening to music at home sometimes. They have two settings.


The first is a low bandwidth mono setting, and with that there is no noticeable latency, but the sound quality is like an old telephone.


The second is stereo and the sound is pretty good, but there's a very noticeable delay there - too much for a musician I'd have thought.


The other thing that may be a problem, is that they are not that loud.


Just realised, that the bloke sitting next to me is using a FM radio headset, so I've borrowed it. Much better, and as long as it's loud enough, quite useable I'd say. However the input of this particular one is USB only. But maybe something to check out.

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The cheapish Bluetooth headphones I tried were fine for listening to my iPad (well, only just passable quality) but totally useless for watching post gig TV due to the latency. Good quality ones may be ok but, as Mark says, FM are almost certainly going to work better.
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I've not heard of any Bluetooth headphones that don't have some latency and there are lots of horror stories about units where the lag is 500ms or more making them unworkable for this application.


Well, maybe give some to the drummer since they don't worry about timing anyway!


(I'll get my coat!)

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I have a pair of Sennheiser MM400-X that I use for general listening.

They use the "apt-X" codec and there is no noticeable lag when watching TV using an apt-X transmitter however there is a noticeable lag when watching films on my tablet which does not have apt-X.

I have little-to-no knowledge of apt-X but it might be worth a look.

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