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Statue Gobo?


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The statue/man description you've given here isn't really enough for us to help very well without further context!


Stick 'man' into the search on http://www.projectedimage.com/ - they have a few in their standard catalogue that might be the sort of thing you're after. (Searching for 'statue' doesn't return a great deal, unsurprisingly.)


Metal gobos are fairly cheap to cut/manufacture - if you know and can design what you're looking for, they (and other companies) can make you a gobo up fairly easily.


Hope this helps!

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Plus of course if you have cool beam profiles (such as Selecon Pacific) or LED Profiles (such as Selecon PLPROFILE1) then you could print your statue on acetate to project that. You could also consider hiring a PC projector and play something as simple as PowerPoint to show the statue. You will have to come up with a way of lighting and dousing the beam but doable with a little research (we have a mechanical shutter on ours).
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I worked on a production of The Shape of Things which instead of using an actual statue for the first scene (it's set in a museum, if you don't know it!) used a statue gobo, to simulate the shadow thrown by the statue (the actors looked out into the house as if they were looking at the statue). We cut the gobo ourselves - grabbed an image off the net somewhere and just used the silhouette - and it worked pretty well.
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