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Vote - which system would you buy, and why?


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Hi friends due that im so ignorant about audio and I need a dope system I will change the question of the sub woofers.


I have money to buy a system of 2 per side + 1 sub per side.


I need some expert telling me what would u get if u were me.


This sistem is gonna be used for live bands and dj's ( hip hop ) for audiences from 100 to 500 ppl.


The choices are ( per side).


2 Meyer UPA 1c + its subwoofer 2x 15.


2 Funktion one res 1 + f 288 subwoofer


2 Nexos PS 10 + Ls 700 sub


or 1 Macpherson's Monolith ( only 1 per side) 2 + Scholrar sub



As you might see them all cost almost alike. I'd like some expert to recomend me wich system to go and why.


I apreciate your help!!



Moderation : astonishingly badly-written topic title editted into something which makes sense. :D

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Hi friends due that im so ignorant about audio and I need a dope system I will change the question of the sub woofers.


I have money to buy a system of 2 per side + 1 sub per side.


I need some expert telling me what would u get if u were me.


This sistem is gonna be used for live bands and dj's ( hip hop ) for audiences from 100 to 500 ppl.


Tell us more about the room!


The UPA are (if memory serves) fairly wide dispersion (100 degrees?) so unless you are using delay stacks (which it does not sound like you are), they may be a bad choice if you need to play long narrow rooms....

However, you do not in general want multiple close sources covering the same area (comb filtering), so if you are gong for two tops on one bass unit then even in a wide room a pair of 60 degree boxes may be a better fit (120 degree coverage pattern).


You will notice that I said bass unit NOT sub woofer! For most dance music there is very little real sub bass (but lots of energy around the 100hz mark), it really does not normally go very deep (that punch effect is NOT dependent upon very deep bass).

Given that most subs are crossed over somewhere around 80 - 100hz, they do not make a lot of sense in this situation. Lots of BASS is normally useful, lots of SUB is normally a waste of time IMHO.


The choices are ( per side).


2 Meyer UPA 1c + its subwoofer 2x 15.

2 Funktion one res 1 + f 288 subwoofer

2 Nexos PS 10 + Ls 700 sub

or 1 Macpherson's Monolith ( only 1 per side) 2 + Scholrar sub


While I love the Nexo PS10 boxes for small spaces and theatrical playback/reinforcement I worry that they will be woefully under powered for the kind of levels expected in a typical 500 capacity live venue (let alone what DJs expect).

If most of what you will be doing is vocal reinforcement or very subtle reinforcement of classical music then these are wonderful tools, but not I think for hip hop.


The F1 or Meyer stuff are both decent rigs, but don't forget to buy plenty of power amplifier and you will need the processing boxes in either case.

I have never used the Macpherson product so cannot comment on it.


I assume you are looking on the used market as the UPA1-c is not available new?


I do worry that you are under powered for hip hop in a 500 capacity room, I would be looking more at Nexo PS15 or alpha / Meyer MSL3/4 or the like for that application.


Of what you list, I would be tempted by the F1, but my experience is primarily theatre, which is a little different from your more general PA needs.


As you might see them all cost almost alike. I'd like some expert to recomend me wich system to go and why.


You won't like this, but without knowing your intended space, and usage patterns (do you need to fly the top boxes, what vertical coverage, balconies, do the aesthetics matter....), it is impossible to give good advice as to what to go for. Also, it is sometimes useful to have whatever the local hire outfit uses so that you can hire extra kit easily.


I know it didn't really help, but those are my thoughts.


Regards, Dan.


Moderation : astonishingly badly-written topic title editted into something which makes sense.  :D

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Two UPA's a side and a pair of USW's would certainly make a nice band system if set-up correctly and would cope nicely with 500 people, but I think Hip-Hop may be pushing it if you want it really loud. USW's (as with most Meyer subs) do not reach the very low frequencies with as much power as the rest of the usable range because they are designed to be more musical rather than just loud.


If you do want a Meyer system, a pair of UPA's sat on top of a 650 sub work very well and are at about the correct height as well, which helps. Be careful though, the Meyer box has a wide dispertion (120 degrees quoted, but it's roughly 100 degrees usable) and combing could be a problem. UPA-2's would work tight-packed due to their narrower dispersion and would also have the benifit of throwing further.


Don't just limit yourself to the big names though, there are some great systems out there that will do exactly what you need. Shop around.

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Well I feel safe with so many experts around. But at the same time more confused hehe.


I guess we cant compair products box by box right? But in case we can lets put it this way Meyers Upas / Funktion's 1 Res 1 or Nexo's Ps 10. I guess there shouldbe one better than the other. I thought that in the audio world might be a " King of the Hill" too.


Well I still use equipment below the quality of the above mentioned so I think that any of them will work better.


Thank you!!!

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My own personal opinion would be the UPA, it's a very nice and versitile box. You may also want to look at the E.M. Acoustic EMS-121. Similar specification to the UPA and an excellent box for the money, well worth a listen.
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Right. I know I'm no noiseboy, but I have used these items (or ones very similar) in the past in a semi-pro covers band (hired of course!):


Mach M15T

Mach M118T Bins


We used the M15Ts on their own, and in multiple setups with the M118ts as well. Found that they were able to reach levels much louder than what we needed, but were great for hitting the bass nice and loud, which I believe would be expected in HipHop? :)

As you'll be doing more DJ based work than theatrical, perhaps these might give that extra bit of punch to the other equipment that's been suggested?

*hides quickly*

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Chappie and you think they get the same level than the Meyer ones? I saw in thepage a sub woofer they claim to be great! Do you know its price ? I already bought the upas but didnt buy the sub yet.


Thank you very much.

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The Quake sub is awesome. Very good on its own but couple 4 together and then it gets even better. I heard a pile of 8 of then in a butterfly configuration on an airfield recently and the results were stunning. We had a guy on the other side of the field with a dB meter and he could still clearly make out the source material about a km away! We have used them on outdoor gigs and they work very well and throw a long way. You need to hear these before making any decision about purchasing subs.
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Hi People,


Just to clarify (hope this is acceptable to the moderators!) the EMS-121 lists at £965.00 in the UK, and the Quake subs list at £2095.00.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me off-board.


Kind Regards,



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