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Through the Looking glass effect


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Hello fellow members


I'm designing an entertainment TV show for C4 and need a low (ish) cost way of creating a 'Walk through a mirror effect'.


So a little bit magical. Meant to be a bit Alice in Wonderland. People walk through a large mirror or mirrorlike surface and through to another room...or just disapear.


Camera can be a lock off.

I thought about just having an ornate frame and merely hinging the mirror glass so pens like a door. (Lame you might think, but might do the trick)

But was hoping for somethong better. Just can't think of anything...


I have seen used, a metalic fabric (Chrome finish) with an invisible slit that people can walk through. But I'm not all that impressed, a bit panto (No offence Panto designers)


Can anyone suggest a decent way of doing this physical effect???? Will be very grateful as my peabrain is all out.





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If it's a fixed camera, can you not just do it digitally? Soft edged split screen type thing?


Shez, thanks for the reply.

Needs to happen as live. As part of a filmed as live event. So annoyingly we can't use any post prod effect.


Got to do it the old fashioned way.



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Is this in front of a live audience or just with studio crew?


I've seen this done very effectively a couple of times where the "mirror" was not actually at the vertical but more at a 45 degree angle. Can't remember the exact details but think it involved a normal sheet of glass which was highly polished in a black frame and some clever lighting. The subject walks through a different coloured mirror frame on the vertical plane and gives the impression you are walking towards a near three dimensional reflection with a deeper plane of field.


Does that make sense? Hope so, it did in my tired befuddled mind :-)



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There has been a mist screen demoed at PLASA a few times. It is totally walk through as it's made of mist!


Try to get one in a frame, project the mirror image onto it and walk through as required. It dies with draughts and can be wiped out if badly lit.


Alternatively, an empty frame to walk through and map the image so that the image in the mirror can be inserted real time electronically, Lots of the big international football matches use a similar technique to suit the pitch side ads to the destination of each video feed. A lot of care with the levels on walk through will see the mirror effect and allow you a choice of disappear rates for those walking through. Think blue screen but mapped rather than chroma driven.

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Disney have an interesting effect of a picture frame that expands (telescoping sections) and displays imagery right up to the point that you walk right through it. The effect appears to be achieved by sliding layers and projection, with the opening of the sections synchronised to the images. I guess it all depends on the budget really.


Keeping in mind that real mirror is always a bit tricky in a studio environment unless you can completely control the reflected area then you could keep the camera locked off as you mentioned and cheat the mirror and frame as two sections in forced perspective so that the performers can step up to, and then "through" the mirrors by actually stepping in between one mounted at the front and one mounted a few feet behind it.

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