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subs battle, Nexo's alpha, Funktion 1 F 218, etc


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What hasn't been made clear here and goes directly to your original question is the ratio of loudness (SPL) to power is all about efficiency. I'm not sure on the numbers here, and I'm too lazy to look it up :D, but every time your speaker efficiency goes up by 3db then your amplifier power requirements drop by half. Thus speaker A driven by 2400W would chuck out as much SPL as speaker B which is 6dB more sensitive with 600W.


Historically, amplifier power was hard to come by, a 100W amp was huge, so speakers systems were made as efficient as was reasonably possible to get as much volume as possible for not many watts of amplifier power. Then 400W, 800W and now several KW amplifers became possible, which allowed the development of better sounding, smaller, less efficient speaker systems. We've traded power (which is now cheap) for quality.


However, with subs, as pointed out above, SPL isnt the end of the story. Some subs are the big versions of the "one note subs" you hear in cars, boomboxes and "hifi" systems. Others deliver smooth, flat low frequency energy.

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  • 1 year later...
Hi dear friends. Im about to buy a proffesional system and I have some doubts specially in the sub woofer part.


I've seen the Nexo's alpha Sub woofer running over 2400w and also reviewed as a great sub woofer. But I've seen the Funktion's one F-218 as a Deep, clean and efforthless sub bass. But it runs only 900w.


I know tha SPL its very important too but can we compare them 2 and say that someone is really better than the other? Is it true that with the nexo one ill need less boxes than with the F-1 in larger amplifications.


What would you guys buy if u were me???


Thank you very much.

hello from FRANCE,

If you want good sub bass, see product from REAL factory.

Nexo from my land or HK are not "great" professionnal as unrivaled JBL or Electro Voice or MEYER, they just assemble components from many origins not still with the best coherence.

JBL is a real factory.To find a loudspeaker if problem, it's rather very very difficult because the loudspeakers are made under specifications and not in stock ! incredible. At the end these products grow old rather bad and are difficult to sell in second hand, not a JBL or Martins Audio or Electro Voice.

Take JBL SRX SERIE or VERTEC, or simply famous MP255S they are fabulous state of the art and a good amp like CROWN specialy made for JBL or QSC AUDIO or LAB GRUPPEN

:unsure: BEST REGARD

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Now while your English is much better than my rusty French, if I understand it correctly, you are saying that the JBL comes from a professional and come from a real factory, but Nexo and HK don't?


The guy appears to be a Harman Pro dealer (evangelist?). Now, where did I put that pinch of salt? :)

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Something no-one has bought up yet is that apart from being different designs the two different subs also cover different frequency ranges. The nexo sub goes down to about 30hz and you are given the option of two crossover points, 60 (ish) hz and 80(ish)hz. In my opinion it sounds better with the lower crossover point, to the bass section of alpha. The funktion one sub goes slightly less deep to 40hz but can extend up to about 280hz. Comparing like for like the funktion one sub is a closer match to two alpha b1s which do 40-200hz if run with no subs, in a short horn design. Generally the lower you go the more power is required for the same spl.
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