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VL 1000 ERS vs VL6 & VL5


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Looking to Light Into The Woods later in the year and I'm considering using some VL 1000 ERS Arcs (with shutters) Looking for more theatrical style rather then rock n roll and the super zoom feature makes me feel that they can double as wash lights as well as spots


My other option would be VL6 for the spot work (no CMY or shutters) and VL5 for the wash. I can pretty much get the VL6's and 5's at 50% of the cost of the VL1000 so that rules out cost and give the equation of more units/flexibility over more units more rigging plotting


They won't be doing and swooping about whist lit just some gobo key lights and colour keys - they'll also give cover while the scrollers go dark for colour transitions. The trim height of the rig should be about 7m


Currently I'm swinging toward the 1000's but haven't used them so am looking for anyone else's experience


Your thoughts would be helpful



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The VL1000's are good but their colour mixing is not very even - you get a very different colour at the centre of the beam to that at the side, or at least you do with the tungsten.


I would point out, if using as wash units that you won't get the same dimmer curve as a 5, which dims as a normal tungsten would, and I've no idea of the 1000 Arc's colour temp, I'd be tempted to use the VL1000TS, which does kick quite a punch for it's power, and is able to get quite nice subtle tints of colour (although un-evenly)



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For a theatre-based application, I'd echo Richard's recommendations of the VL1000TS. Unless, of course, you have a particular need or desire for an arc source over a tungsten one ...


Personally, I'd say that a VL1000 would be far preferrable to a VL5/VL6 combo - far more flexible, and you get shutters!

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The arcs are very punchy! It really does depend what effect you want them to do. If your wanting a more 'theatrical' response then I'd go with the tungsten or if you want your spots or whatever ure lighting to stand out go with the arcs.
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HI there,


Very surprised you cant get the 1000's cheaper then the VL5 and VL6.


Oh Lordy


No - I can can get the VL 1000 for less than the price of a VL5 & VL6


Having just been playing with some 5's and 6's I think I'll go with the VL1000 the VL6 doesn't have CMY and the VL5 only has 360 degrees of pan. If only the VL1000s were the same weight they'd be perfect.



Does anyone know why VL have moved away from the smart repeater and why the VL 5 has a small pan?

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Cause the whole smart repeater system when it works is fine however when something goes wrong I.e smartrepeaters or the smart cable or the unit its really annoying. And the fact that if 1 smart repeater goes down then there is potential to loose 6 vls which if your doing a small show could be your entire moving rig.
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