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QLab 2 Custom Geometry


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Hi there,


We are using QLab 2 to two DatapathX4s to project onto four screens, each of which need to be "mapped" (they each have slightly different custom geometry but are all rectangles). A lot of the videos are the same on each screen. At the moment we are making four different cues, each with the same video, and sending each one to an individual screen with slightly tailored custom geometry. It seems like a lot of work for the processor to play the same video four times at the same time. Does anybody know of a more elegant solution? We had a look at Quartz Composer, but couldn't get very far.


Thanks very much.

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We've just done a show with 4 Panasonic hd projectors all running off

1 mac pro 8 core running millumen video software - it ran perfectly.


With mapping and masking on objects on the stage


so easy to stop start the whole show with just the space bar.

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We've just done a show with 4 Panasonic hd projectors all running off

1 mac pro 8 core running millumen video software - it ran perfectly.


With mapping and masking on objects on the stage


so easy to stop start the whole show with just the space bar.


That was the plan (but with QLab instead of Millumin), but there are a couple of cues that get a bit glitchy, especially when fading between videos (there's a point where 8 videos are running and 4 pictures are being displayed).


Do you have any protips for us?

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What machine are you running it off? is the content on an SSD? and what size is the content? (are we talking full HD or XGA?)


A Mac Pro 2.4GHz Quad x 2, it is on an SSD, and the content varies massively in size; the heaviest part of the show there's a 2.5GB video (currently playing four times) fading into four individual videos that are between 2 and 3GB each. Generally the videos are like 500MB.

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Assuming that you are managing the content well enough and preloading/unloading etc. another thing to consider is how much work you are asking of the processor regarding decompressing during playback and scaling. In my experience, resource economy with Qlab 2 is often achieved by asking less of the software in these areas, even if it means formatting the media 'bigger'. I try where possible to present content to Qlab with a view to minimal effort on it's part including created ready-scaled content. Not always easy when you want to make tweaks on site or mapping, I know. I'd like to see how/if Qlab 3 has improved video handling in real terms, not just added features, would like to try it out soon.


(Note a bit OT for the original post: Another thing we do, due to having access to a number of not-particularly-high-spec machines, is to farm out each output required to one of multiple localised Qlab Macs fired via show control.)


Edit: Aha, re-reading the post I now understand that you seem to be almost 'bodge-blending'* using multiple instances. You can do it in Quartz with a single file if you are into that kinda thing. Can you not spend some time formatting the different parts of the video file a little more elegantly or use a switcher? In the end, Qlab 2 will only do so much of this and at the cost of a certain amount of faffing about.


* Bodge-blending is a word I just made up for trying to achieve tricky projection things with .qtz files, bits of PVC tape and several PCs running VLC player or similar practices.

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  • 4 months later...



Might be a bit late now for your project, but VPT might provide you with 'a more elegant solution'. It can easily play one HD video to four separate areas (up to 32 in fact) at the same time (depending on your hardware of course).

It's a free DL for Mac & Windows - I prefer the later versions of VPT 6 rather than the updated VPT 7, which has some cool features but as a beta doesn't seem as stable for show/performance use.


Millumin is very good - but also 600 Euros+…


Good Luck!



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