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Express or Frog or Dlite or WHAT???


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This may be a cynical view, but I suspect at least a tiny part of the choice of name is because it 'sounds like" another well-known moving light desk...


I'm also aware that this may well be totally subconscious...but then so will the effect.

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This may be a cynical view, but I suspect at least a tiny part of the choice of name is because it 'sounds like" another well-known moving light desk... 


I'm also aware that this may well be totally subconscious...but then so will the effect.

The similarities extend beyond the name ... :)


Not that this is a bad thing, you understand - the other console (now sadly no longer in production) is one of the best desks I know, and anything that follows the same (or similar!) programming/operating style, philosophy and syntax is OK by me.

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I'm currently looking to purchase a new console for our lighting rig. We currently use a Colortran Status 24 - but it is seriously underpowered for control of our 2, 12 channel dimmer packs and 8 single channel scrollers. I've rented the ETC Express 125, and liked it for conventionals. I've rented the Fat Frog, but found it difficult to program a theatrical style show utilizing conventionals and movers. One of my suppliers has suggested a Compulite D-Lite 36/72, which on the brochure looks fine, however the only discussion thread I've read stated that Compulite's are clunky to program. Now perhaps that means older ones. Does anyone have some good experience-based info on any new Compulite consoles, even the D-lite, although it just came out. ALSO: My other supplier has suggested the ETC Express 24/48 with the Emphasis 2D server. I think that the ETC is the better solution, seeing as we do mostly conventionals and scrollers, but intend to rent or buy movers in a year or two. In fact, I'm trying to step up to an Expression with 3D Emphasis. My quandary is that I have a budget that allows for the purchase of a console that is in the Dlite/Expression price range, but I can't find anyone who says, "ETC with Empasis is great for movers and conventionals in theatre - go for it!". Nor can I find someone who says, "My new D-lite is the greatest thing since the invention of the submaster!". Please feel free to step up to the plate and give me your opinions on this range of consoles when applied to conventionals and movers!


The Dlite is totally unlike any previous Compulite console, so don't be put off by what people might have said about Compulite, although like any console there are always people that will prefer one console over another, the only way to decide is to check it out for yourself.


The Dlite isn't actually out yet, it is due any day now, they are just finishing off the software. It was designed to be flexible and easy to operate, so you get a fully featured theatre style cross fade playback plus 20 subs plus manual faders that have a variety of functions and a touch screen. The syntax has also designed to be flexible, so you can store a cue by typing CUE # STORE as on most theatre desks or by pressing STORE SELECT like on the Hog.


Hope this helps.

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