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troubleshooting multidim showtec


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Hi, I have a multidim showtec which I want to test. I've wired up a 1 gang mains socket to a IEC plug and connected a table lamp. When putting the multidim into one of the preset modes (4 iirc) I hoping to see light but get nothing. Set to 100 (brightness?) in setup. Can you advise whether this plan should work and what I should try next?
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I think they only have chases in local control mode. In that case you might need to set a speed as well, in which case it should flash occasionally?


If you have a model with the sliders then put it in mode P17 which will enable level control by the respective slider.

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If you press the mode button it switches the unit between DMX mode and Preset Program mode.

In DMX mode it should show Axxx, where xxx is the starting DMX address of the unit.

In preset mode it should show P01 to P16 according to the program selected and the 4 LEDS should flash in sequence according to the program selected.

Don't need anything plugged in.

The unit itself needs to be plugged into a mains socket and switched on.

If you don't see any of this happening then the unit is faulty.



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I'm such a noob :). Turns out 3 of 4 fuses had gone. With P04 on the screen all 4 leds go on for about 5 seconds then off and repeat. In menu I have SP01, seems to be speed, d100 assume is brightness, So05, not sure about. Now my world makes sense again :).
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Hope you replaced the fuses with Quick Blow fuses?

Worth checking to see if any of the triacs have blown.

Put the unit in DMX mode, by pressing mode button so that Axxx is displayed.

Plug a lamp into each socket, you can do this one at a time, don't need one in every socket at the same time, and see if the lamp stays on full.

If it does the triac in that circuit has blown.



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