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Amplifier Gain In Bridge Mode?


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It depends entirely on how the amp has been designed to behave when you flip the bridge switch.


Ah, OK. Without the circuit diagram......


Just seemed I had the level control on the amp very low (not even 9 o'clock) with the desk main faders at 0dB and all the green LEDs on, no yellow and it was very, very loud!


Everything on the crossover was set to unity gain according to the text on the front panel.


I couldn't push it to see which LEDs lit on the amp as the neighbours would have been round with their shotguns. Will test further next week in a venue somewhere nearby.





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The "classic" bridging configuration feeds the same signal to both channels, except that one channel is inverted relative to the other. The output is taken from across both the "hot" connections of each amp, with the "cold" or grounds commoned. In this scenario the voltage gain is indeed doubled so ceteris paribus the output power is quadrupled for the same given input.
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...and it was very, very loud!


Isn't that the point of bridge mode!!!! :rolleyes:


If you bridge two perfect amp channels you double the voltage swing across the load which result in four times the power. In real life it never works out like that as very few amps are that good. If you get really clever you can bridge two already bridged amplifiers for four times the voltage swing or sixteen times the power. There are some really good reasons that people don't do that though!

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