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Pulsar Masterpiece 108 login failure


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The Masterpiece from pulsar doesnt give me acces.. All I see is SUAL.

Version 3 is current. Acces code for version 2 and 3 dont let me in.

Manual doenst help any further.

Any one idea how to override the current code... or some back up code to get in...

All is see is SUAL>.. Service User Access Level...

Looking out to your reply

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As far as I know, there is no option to change the code.


There are 2 codes, one is to load show from card, the other is to unlock the desk - are you using the right one? - it's on page 11a of the manual.


You could also try loading another show from a memory card - does it let you do that?


Otherwise, the key pads may be faulty. Next option is Pulsar's service dept - 01223 403 500.

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As far as I know, there is no option to change the code.


You can change the code using an EEPROM programmer and I know of some nightclubs who did this, because the code was quite widely known and visiting LJ's were messing with the programming.

It is hardcoded into the software though, you definitely cannot change it from the panel.

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I thought 2.1 was the latest version for the 108?


You can download the Masterpiece Range manuals from Pulsar at http://www.pulsarlight.com/Downloads/InstructionManuals/tabid/90/Default.aspx. By working carefully through the software update pages near the front, you should be able to confirm which version you are running and use the appropriate key.


If there was a version 3, where does one find it? :unsure:

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You can download the Masterpiece Range manuals from Pulsar at http://www.pulsarlig...90/Default.aspx


For some reason, Pulsar only have an old version of the Masterpiece manual on their site - I've pointed this out to them on more than one occasion but they still haven't replaced it with the latest version. Go figure.


Fortunately, the up to date version is available here - Masterpiece Manual


The latest software version for the MP108 is 3.02 and you can get an EEPROM exchange upgrade kit free from Pulsar's service dept - see Here.. Part no is 24001SP. Lots of good features were introduced with the latest software, especially the Chase Generator, so it's well worth upgrading.

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This information is hardly secret


Only too true, unfortunately - the manual is easy to find online - see previous posts - so no need to post the detail here to make things easier for the casual fingerpoker!


It's a shame Pulsar never added the option to change the code, with a 'reset to factory settings' jumper inside the box.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Are Masterpieces still ongoing in the club world? I use one along with a Pearl 08 - Great for LED chases! The Replay Unit was a such a nice neat invention that there's nothing on the market these days that's more up-to-date and does the same tricks.
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