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android remote for avo titan


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Essentially a pretend console which is always available in the list of consoles to connect to. If you choose to connect to this it will load a very simple show allowing you to try out the functions. The show has a few fixtures and groups. This gives you something to select so you can try adjusting attributes, record palette etc.
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You can get surprisingly accurate by moving slowly. I've done a fair bit of testing with actual fixtures and thought it worked well so I would suggest you need to try that when v7 is out to be sure. Obviously there is going to be differences between devices and if necessary I'm sure the sensitivity can be tweaked. What device are you using out of interest?
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In terms of connecting a console it must be running at least Titan v7.0 which is due for release soon. You need some sort of wireless access point connected and the IP address of the console and the remote device must be set to the same IP subnet as the access point. By way of an example, a typical router or access point might have a gateway IP In this case the console and the remote must have IP addresses 192.168.1.x where 'x' is between 1 and 253 and is unique for each device.


Note that in the case of T1 and TM if your operating system is set to get IP addresses dynamically then this will probably all happen automatically, similarly with the remote device. However, for TT, PE and ST this must be set manually at the moment.


Any connected Titan console(s) will then appear in the remote app connection page and selecting a console will load the show into the remote. This includes T1, TM, TT, PE & ST. You can program on both the host console and the remote simultaneously.

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Encoders are a little lively though!


This is only with the emulator, when you are connected to real fixtures it is perfectly smooth. The emulator is provided so people can play with the features of the remote without having to connect to a console. It is not an accurate representation of how it works when connected to a real console.


What is the procedure for running a Titan Mobile with this?


Exactly the same as with a normal console, ensure you have a valid network connection to the PC running Titan (firewall, switch, AP etc) and then just connect it. The remote is a native app now so there is no requirement on a web server as with the previous remote.


whats the situation with using it with titan one


As above

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There is no patch window. There is fixture, group, palette (split into position, colour and beam) and cue. These are all pageable and mirror the respective workspaces on the consoles (where cue = playbacks). There is also a keypad toggle to allow numeric selection of fixtures and groups. If you hold the 'All' button you can apply selection pattern filters (ie. odd/even etc.)

In this version you can get a general idea of these functions and how attribute control works. Unfortunately it is not possible to record palettes in this version of the emulator but this does work correctly when connected to real consoles and includes the ability to draw scribble legends.

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