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Which iPad for wireless mixing?


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Personally love the mini for this use as it can easily be held in one hand and quite often slipped into a (large) pocket.

I find the full size iPad a bit cumbersome especially for extended use.


Whichever you buy don't get the crappy apple smart cover thingy, get a proper cover which protects the rear of the device and the edge of the front.

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I've been borrowing an iPad Mini to use with the QU16 and it has been working fine. One thing I noticed with the iPad Mini that I've been borrowing is the touchscreen can be a little un-sensitive!?

I'm not talking about when just using it with the QU16. I find this to be the case for general use aswell?


How does the iPad 2 compare to the Mini in regards to how responsive the touchscreen is?

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+1 for iPad 2, I use one with a Roland M300. There's no real benefit to a Retina Display for this kind of use (certainly nothing worth spending money on) and it's always seemed more than fast enough so processor speed is unlikely to be an issue.


I bought an Otterbox case for it which has survived a couple of tumbles without a problem.

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I have iPad 2 and iPad 3 the 3 is definitely nicer with the retina screen but both work fine with my Mackie DL1608. If it's purely for mixing I'd go for a 16GB iPad 2, if it's for general use (especially if you might be using any recording apps or watching video) go for the biggest memory you can afford, both mine are 64GB and I haven't used it all yet on either but with the iPad you can't add more memory later.


The iPad 4 (with the new connector) has a 128MB version BTW

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Have used an iPad 1 for Yamaha consoles (LS9 + M7) for a while now, but I began to find issues with the WiFi stability. Lots of disconnects within Stagemix even though the WiFi reported it was still connected.


I don't know if this is associated with the iPad 1 being left behind in terms of iOS - it will forever be stuck on v5.1.1 - or not.


More recently I picked up a second hand Nexus 7 tablet, purchased Airfader and not looked back since. I can safely say that my iPad hasn't been out of my bag for 3 months now...


The more I use it the more I like it, plus the scope for adding multiple 'remote' users is great!



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I pads only have one scale of RAM, the processor does change.. but not by much since the original one.. the latest chip is called A6X


The relative performance of iPads have doubled every generation* and the latest iPad has 72x increase in graphics performance over the first one.


That said if you are only going to use it as a remote then get a 2. BUT...


If there is even a slight chance that you are going to use it for other things then the latest iPad is a phenomenal slab of aluminium.


Worth every penny of the extra £70.


I still can't believe that 22% of iPads sold are still gen 2. From apple's point of view if they still sell then they are going to keep them going. In the last few years the cost of production must of fallen significantly. cha-ching.


*RIP Moore's Law

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