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Yamaha CL5 opinions/problems


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issue is that our DJ and Keys keep dropping in volume and it is only though our main PA and not the monitor


Any Idea's?


Are you positive that they are not assigned to a DCA somewhere?


Also, what else is going on input-wise apart from the DJ and keys? I've seen situations where there's a vocal mic which is ramped up in the mix, then either a compressor across the main mix or even the speaker system limiters kick in. It's the vocal mic rather than the instruments that hit the threshold and start the gain reduction, but it sound like everything *but* the vocal is ducking against it...

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So we worked it out and you will all laugh when you hear. There was a dan Dougan insert over the first 8 channels of the desk that was causing the problems.


We felt very silly, but have discovered that Dougan is not a good Dj :-)


Thanks for all your help though guys


kind regards

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