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CPC Help Please.


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A search term to consider is "PAR wiring set".


I would strongly urge you to consider something like this:




A 'PARsafe" fully encloses the back and sides of the ceramic to prevent the user getting a belt when twizzling the lamp.


Note: Stage Electrics are not the only suppliers of the generic "PARsafe". Your local, reputable lighting supplier should be able to supply. PAR64 and PAR56 ceramics are interchangeable as they are both GX16D lamp bases

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Hi thanks for reply.


Yeah use par safes on all my other cans, just these are the short nose 56's so no need for them. I would have thought CPC sold the lamp bases but apparently not. Oh well SLX it is.





A search term to consider is "PAR wiring set".


I would strongly urge you to consider something like this:




A 'PARsafe" fully encloses the back and sides of the ceramic to prevent the user getting a belt when twizzling the lamp.


Note: Stage Electrics are not the only suppliers of the generic "PARsafe". Your local, reputable lighting supplier should be able to supply. PAR64 and PAR56 ceramics are interchangeable as they are both GX16D lamp bases




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