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Ear Plugs

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Hi all,


I'm sure this has probably been covered before, but I can't find previous threads.


I am looking to invest in some proper custom ear plugs. I mainly do lighting, but sometimes do sound. Because of this, I am wanting ones with a natural and flat frequency response.

I have found the ACS PRO 26, but was wondering if there's any anyone has had experience with and would recommend.




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I bought a set of the ACS plugs over 5 years ago and they have done brilliant service since, though need replacing now as the moulds are splitting.

Fairly flat frequency response, with an obvious bass boost at the end where bass is felt not heard, and much better at combatting the occlusion effect than the cheap foam plugs.

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I have the 25s, which are fab for LX or stage management work, but are probably a bit much for mixing, and they feel a bit severe for wearing when playing percussion for orchestras etc.

I also use adapters to use the moulds for IEM when drumming.

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Any earplugs are too much for mixing...


If its too loud for you, its too loud...


However, I find the 15dB ER filters to be good for more critical listening. Like system tech-ing for example, where I don't want to be fully exposed to the noise, but do need to be able to monitor the system

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  • 10 months later...
I'm dragging up an old thread here, but it seems like the place for it...we trialled some electronic earplugs from Etymotic about 18 months ago as part of a PhD student's research (horn player and audiologist!) and one of my trumpet players has recently had a second stint with them. They're rather clever little devices; you can switch between a 9dB cut and a 15dB cut (ramps up slowly so that at 85dBA full cut is active) but at low levels they simply let sound through. Also at the 9dB setting they actually amplify below a certain level - very useful for orchestral rehearsals so you don't have to take the plugs out to hear what the conductor is saying to you. Orchestral musicians hate earplugs as a rule, but in our pit they are a fact of life for certain sections, and these ones are certainly the best option out there by a long shot. I've just ordered a pair for my trumpet player; they don't come with custom moulds but he already has them from the trial - and without the custom moulds they're no more expensive than an ordinary pair of custom moulded plugs. I'll be very interested to see if they work their way into the world of sound engineering because they're starting to make their presence felt in the orchestral world.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got some ACS custom moulded plugs.


I got 15s and 26s.


15s for work, 26s for play..


Or in your case 15s for sound 26s for lighting.


The 15s are still quite heavy on the attenuation, but then ill never sound check with them on. Once Im happy ill get my reference and go from there.


I wouldn't recommend trying to mix in the 26s!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look at the specs - it's not just about the amount of attenuation, but how it's applied.


The Pro 17s are marketed as the flattest response, and so are the most suitable if you're after a reasonable level of attenuation along with a good preserved frequency response.


The Pro 25s and Pro 27s dig in *much* deeper at the high end. Fine for protecting your hearing in a dangerous (including musical) environment, but will be more like foam earplugs in their muffling effect.


And, ever, the best prices are from Boots Hearing Care.

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Last time I used my 26dB filters was when Black Sabbath were in town, don't usually put them in as they're a bit much.

Usually have the 17dB ones in which I'm fine with for casual listening, going out etc. and can mix in them at a push.

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