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The buzzing laptop. (I think she's dead Jim)

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It was a sunny day outside, and all was peaceful...

I entered my home, and long story short,

Laptop dead, not work, me = :blink:+ :angry: + :( .


It is an Acer Travelmate 420, with windows xp, and it is my only source of anime, gaming, music, *ahem* "entertainment", and other life wasting forms of media. (Not neccearily with order of importance.)


Unfortunately, when it comes to fixing computers, I'm clueless.

When plugged in, a buzzing noise comes from the speakers, all the lights on it flicker, and I scream like a schoolgirl. It's definitely a hardware problem, and after opening it and taking a look inside, I realised...


I was absolutely helpless.

Feebly, I accessed the internet through my parents old, yet reliable fossil, and the force (Google, actually...) guided me to you, my hopeful saviors.


*points finger*

Only YOU can save my laptop, and rescue me from ever hoping to get a life.



Oh, and I'm gonna put some ninja's here, just cause they're cool.

:rolleyes: :huh: :stagecrew: :stagecrew: (<.<) ~ooh, ninjas.



If this is in the wrong place, I really apologize...

Uh... you can move it... not that you really need my permission to drag it somewhere.

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Oh, and I'm gonna put some ninja's here, just cause they're cool.

:rolleyes:  :huh:  :stagecrew:  :stagecrew:  (<.<) ~ooh, ninjas.



If this is in the wrong place, I really apologize...

Uh... you can move it... not that you really need my permission to drag it somewhere.


1) Those aren't Ninjas, they are stagecrew.

2) The above MAY give you a hint that this is indeed the wrong place to ask, sorry

3) Today I Will Be Mostly (Search the Blue Room for the thread) Trying to mend the laptop my daughter filled with hot chocolate yesterday. :angry: :blink:

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