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Ableton Live synced to Avolites Pearl Expert or Titan Mobile


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Hello I know there has been a lot of post similar to this but I think I have an different application in mind and I am wondering if its possible and how to do it.


I want to fire cues on my Pearl expert lighting desk via DMX arcnet or midi but trigger them using my apc 40, usb keyboard, laundpad, etc...


Unlike most people trying to do this I have access to expensive lighting consoles that can do the heavy lifting as far as programming the lights but I want ableton midi signals to trigger them.


I want to use this for two applications.


I want to pre-program lighting cues for a song and have it triggered on time.

Secondly I want ableton to send signals that trigger DMX cues on my lighting board when I hit apc 40 buttons(keyboards,etc) to fire playbacks I program on my lighting desk.


I want to be able to map and keystroke or midi signal from ableton to fire playbacks on Titan.



Thanks for the Help,





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Currently Titan only supports triggers from actual MIDI. As long as you can output that then you should be able to achieve what you want, probably in conjunction with time-coded cue-lists.



This video shows that titan supports triggers via DMX and presumably arc-net....

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It does also allow DMX as a trigger but currently only via the physical DMX ports (thus the gender-benders shown in the video). At the moment you cannot use Art-Net.


So what do I need to make able trigger playbacks via midi or DMX?

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There's a whole section in the Titan 6.1. manual on how to do it, although Ableton will NOT output DMX unless you have done some clever stuff in Max for Live to convert the midi cc data into DMX packets. The triggers section on the Avo is found under the 'System' menu, and its pretty straightforward to assign hardware (or software) controls to midi CC numbers. PM me if you want me to go through it in detail for you.

It does also allow DMX as a trigger but currently only via the physical DMX ports (thus the gender-benders shown in the video). At the moment you cannot use Art-Net.


So what do I need to make able trigger playbacks via midi or DMX?

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Thanks for all the help!


Last night I hooked up a lepricon to titan mobile via DMX triggers to get extra faders and it was a breeze. In order to do this with ableton I think I will try DMXIS http://www.enttec.co...oducts&pn=70570


Then I use DMXIS as a VST in ableton and create mappings to ableton midi control surfaces that map to single DMX channels in DMXIS that trigger VIA DMX Avolites pearl expert or titan mobile!? I wonder if there will be latency issues...but I think its worth a shot. I think this opens up completely new ways to program light shows and combine flexibility and timing.



I am going to do this

but instead of programming looks in DMXIS I would use Avolites titan. Then I can map triggers to knobs on an apc 40 and record playbacks with say only the strobe lights full, so when I turn that knob DMXIS triggers channel 1 DMX which then triggers Avolites Titan to fire my strobe playback at what ever level my apc 40 knob is at......I'll put strobe lights on knobs dimmers with arpeggiators....!? I




Does this make sense to anyone but me?

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I've never used Ableton, DMXIS or the APC, but it certainly makes sense. I like the idea of using Ableton as a mapper for any controllers connected. Undoubtedly there will be some latency but it's hard to say how much or whether it will be an issue. I will be interested to hear how it goes.
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thanks man. I mean for 270 bucks I could map anything in ableton and automate whole songs!


I've never used Ableton, DMXIS or the APC, but it certainly makes sense. I like the idea of using Ableton as a mapper for any controllers connected. Undoubtedly there will be some latency but it's hard to say how much or whether it will be an issue. I will be interested to hear how it goes.




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