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Zero 88 Alpha Pack Diagrams


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Help Please


I am trying to source a set of circuit diagrams for a Zero 88 Alpha Pack 1 with DMX, can anyone help? Zero say it’s not safe to give them out and my distributor is unable to help. Whereas Strand (Phillips) were readily forthcoming with a complete set for the SD6.

Many thanks



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Help Please


I am trying to source a set of circuit diagrams for a Zero 88 Alpha Pack 1 with DMX, can anyone help? Zero say it's not safe to give them out and my distributor is unable to help. Whereas Strand (Phillips) were readily forthcoming with a complete set for the SD6.

Many thanks




Hmm, you might have been cannier (though not necessarily smarter) to withhold some of that detail. If the manufacturer says they don't consider it safe, I have to say I would now want a very good reason to go against that advice...

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Perhaps what scared Zero88 was the fact that you say the unit is an AlphaPack 1 with DMX, from memory the Alpha 1 never came with DMX so it would suggest an after sales modification and therefore not standard.


There is a great deal of risk poking around in AlphaPacks as the compact design means that mains voltage is always close at hand - so there is danger of a shock if you're not sure where or what you're poking.


It also pains me to say (as a Zero88 authorised Repair Technician) that you're not helping my employer keep me on and pay me by advocating folk repairing their own kit (beyond basic housekeeping repairs).

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Zero 88 Alpha Pack 1 with DMX

We have never made an Alpha Pack 1 with DMX - are you sure this is the product you have, and not the Alpha Pack 2?


Zero say it’s not safe to give them out

Who did you speak to? As far as we can tell, none of the support team have received a message from you asking for these diagrams?

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Hi Jon


Sorry for the confusion its my typo it should read Alpha Pack 1 No DMX, I havent called anybody just read the official statement on your website.








Zero 88 Alpha Pack 1 with DMX

We have never made an Alpha Pack 1 with DMX - are you sure this is the product you have, and not the Alpha Pack 2?


Zero say it’s not safe to give them out

Who did you speak to? As far as we can tell, none of the support team have received a message from you asking for these diagrams?

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