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PIR playback solution


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Hello there.


I have been asked by an artist to provide a play back solution for her latest exhibition. She has three sculptures. She would like a short piece of audio to play when some one steps up to the sculpture. There is this wonderful device




A message in a speaker, which would be perfect for this application. Unfortunately the budget does not run to £200 per unit. Truth be told I've got to make this happen for around £60. If there are any miracle workers out there with an idea of how I might do this I would be most grateful for your advice.





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Sounds like a good application for a raspberry Pi, and a PIR sensor attached to one of the General Purpose IO pins. With a small bit of code running to check the status of the input and fire off a media player when it changes.
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In a previous job Sound Leisure built the above product for me, without the transducer, which was swapped for either a line output for connection to a 100v line system, or with a small amp and speaker combination, for doing almost exactly what you want. Depending on the configuration we were using them in they cost somewhere between £80 and £130, so a little more than your ideal budget however far less hassle than the DIY route.


I have been down the arduino route and found it desperately frustrating to get working reliably, needing constant intervention.

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If you want a tried and tested professional solution try a digital view viestream m300 player but the oem version... http://www.digiverse.co.uk/prods/digital-view-m3-100-oem-digital-media-player-470.htm under 100.00 and it works. Its a video player, but obviously will play stereo audio. its overspecced, slightly over your notional budget but wont let you down,
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Arduino itself about as reliable as any other microcontroller, depends on what it`s controlling...


Ebay is full of WTOV20 based boards, just search `mp3 module` , apparently picky on what type of SD card they will read




also have to watch coupling the audio output, but at under a fiver delivered.


Bit more upmarket and made by known manufacturer VLSI VS1000:




Bit of programming to trigger via SPI rather than switch closure though.

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