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Small PA for speech reinforcement only

Guest lightnix

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Guest lightnix

A local public speaking club has asked me for advice (even though I am a lampie).


They have £500-600 to spend and are looking for a simple, good quality system, with a radio mic., which will reinforce a speaker's voice in a small, village hall sized venue.


One of them said that they had seen a briefcase-sized system which might fit the bill, but couldn't remember who it was made by.


Any thoughts / suggestions?

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Is this £500 for hire or purchase?



Anyway, have a look at these two systems Stageline - TXA-400 and ADS Wireless Amplifier with ADS Handheld Microphone


(Links are to CPC, try to look at the paper catalouge rather than the website as the website pictures are fairly bad and in one case completly wrong, Page 390, 2005 version)



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Guest lightnix

Thanks for the links, I'll point the club at them - any further suggestions will be gratefully received. It's £500 for purchase BTW (sorry - I seem to be having a number of "expression problems" this week :blink: ).


I've had another chat with the club. To expand a little further, a stereo system would be preferable, possibly with speakers that can be mounted on stands. Apart from that, it's "just" a radio mic and amp setup, ideally with a line output for recording purposes. A line input for a CD player would also be handy, but not an absolute necessity.

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You say they saw something in a briefcase? Possibly this??? :-



(Portable PA system - PEAVY THE MESSENGER - third item down page...)


Also, Looks like the thing James has found at CPC is cheaper on that site as well....






EDIT - having just re-read the original post, maybe the Peavey Escort 2000 further down the page is more whats required. I have used the older version of this for a musical variety show when times were hard, not a bad sound for the size of it..

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Guest lightnix

Ooo yes, that looks really neat and quite possibly just the thing we're looking for - thanks very much :blink:


Well within budget, too. Any recommendations for a radio mic at around the £150 mark, or is that too little for any kind of quality? I've seen the Gemini system on the Stagebeat site - any thoughts on that? Would the Shure mics be a better buy?

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Fender do a portable system which is popular with people down south.


I'm not sure of rad mics I'm afraid. But I'd go for a shure as opposed to gemini, just because of the brand name! (I know that's not always the most sensible plan)




Mr. Si

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I would have to agree with that comment about the JTS- a very nice sound, the ones we have at work (MH-950?) are great. A nice, full sound, however you may need to stick a windsok on them to avoid popping. They are what we use for all of our music gigs now. For the price, they are great, however for gigs where speech and clarity is slightly more of an issue, we use the Audio Technica 3000 series.. which is probably completely out of your budget... :rolleyes:
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I have heard good things about the JTS mics, and having looked at the specs, they look like a good deal.

Don't think you need to go for shure to be honest, for what they will be using the system for, its not worth the money IMHO.

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What about a powered mixer option? There's a few new-ish behringer or mackie box (dunno what the technical term is, but I mean as opposed to console) powered systems, if you can get some speakers and radio mics as well then that ought to be ok id've thought.

Radio mics wise everyone was raving about sennheisers when I asked abotu them, I haven't tried any yet but if the topics still there then its under 'Radio mics, can someone introduce me?' in sound.


Hope this helps,


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