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quartet reflectors


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Hi all


I am looking at my relatively healthy stock of 21 Quartet lanterns. Most of the unit are 12 years plus old and in good nick with regular servicing etc.


I have 15no. Quartet F's and 6no Quartet PC's. I run them all at 650w.



My query is; Can you still get reflectors for these units and if not is there a work around for replacements?


I have a vague re-collection of asking this question a couple of years back (search revealed no answer) and there been a negative tone in the responses!


I managed to get 6no. reflectors from the last of the spares the local supplier had a long while back but am looking to get more as it would make more sense to replace them all in one go. By doing this I could get another 12 years out of the lanterns!



Does anybody have any leads??



many thanks




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I think it is time I/we started a facebook campaign. I can see the niche request being expanded to become a very popular one!


Now, must become a facebook member.....




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Do you need reflectors as you've lost them or do you simply need them re-silvering?


If the latter, stick 'reflector resilvering' into google and be amazed at how many places will do it for you.

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Do you need reflectors as you've lost them or do you simply need them re-silvering?


If the latter, stick 'reflector resilvering' into google and be amazed at how many places will do it for you.




I have never heard of re-silvering.


I am looking to replace the reflectors in the units I have due to age and use. The units are all working perfectly just trying to keep them young & healthy.


thanks for the tip. I will have a look.







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Do you need reflectors as you've lost them or do you simply need them re-silvering?


If the latter, stick 'reflector resilvering' into google and be amazed at how many places will do it for you.


Plenty of automotive chromers, too, who will clean etch and chrome/silver for a reasonable price.




Brian's suggestion does , indeed, throw up loads of automoptove plating companies. They are used to putting highly reflective and durable coatings on to bits of metal that get very hot.

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Have the reflectors changed in the current Quartet range or are the parts off the current range still compatible?


I have a modern one if it helps but it's a profile - not certain if they are common between the types as well.

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The fresnels and pcs use the same spherical reflector, but the profiles use an ellipsoidal reflector.


I'm not aware of any differences in reflectors between Mk1 and Mk2 stock, but I haven't had them next to each other.


As above rechroming existing stock is probably the most economic route unless the reflectors are badly damaged.

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