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The Box CL108/115 Bundle


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I'm looking at investing in a PA system. It'll be used for general music playback (backing tracks for talent shows, small events etc.), a bit of mobile DJing and possibly small bands. I have trawled through the internet and have whittled it down to this one: http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_cl_108115_basis_bundle.htm


There are only a few reviews online and they seem positive, and I know The Box speakers tend to get a decent review for budget speakers, but I would like to know if anyone has any first hand experience and can advise me on sound quality, volume etc.?


I like the way it could be upgraded simply by adding another sub to build a better system and this is one of the main reasons I have shortlisted it, but I'd be happy to hear of any other suggestions.



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Have you seen the reviews on the German language bit of the Thomann site? Hit the German flag near the top of the screen and scroll down the page. Cut and paste into Google translate und Bob ist dein Onkel.
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I bought the same bundle a few years ago and shortly after it was followed by a second sub. Now this isn't due to the sub been under powered but I also use them in different occasions and usually without the 108s.

My short review of them is:- the whole system kicks out a lot of SPL for such a budget/small system- the subs are loud but don't seem very "tight", they just sound like they start flapping around without giving much definition/punch. Most people don't care or notice this though. All they want is to feel some sub frequencies which it does provide. When I use the subs for larger events I always high pass the subs to remove anything lower than 45 Hz and cross them over a lot lower. Some of the muddier sounds are coming from the sub as they have to be crossed over so high due to the small 8inch drivers in the top boxes. - The 108s start to whine when at higher levels but I usually have a graphic EQ across them and I make a gentle curve down usually starting around 8k. There are usually a couple of bands I have to pull down as well in the higher mid area but these slightly change from room to room. - Feedback rejection is usually quite good as long as you high pass everything so that it doesn't get picked up from the sub. I have tried to use them as wedges in the past but end up massacring the Graphic to get some decent level from them. By that time they sound quite horrible. - One of the casters on the subs has broken its brake. Not a biggie but you need to make sure the wheels are facing up before tipping or else the brakes have to take the weight of the sub.- The wood isn't brilliant and will get dents quite quickly. This is doesn't bother me too much.

That's all the down sides really. They are a budget system so there are downsides to expect. If your just running music then they should adequate. I personally use them for smaller events with usually just a little bit of music and speech. I've never been able to get them into their protect mode simply due to all the small venues I have used them in have given up before they have (rattling the building about) and don't have the time to try them anywhere bigger. I did try a small band through them once but that was down to the very tight budget. The band wasn't very good anyway so I can't really make a good judgement. They did their job.

Some things I like:- You can use the sub knob to "turn off" the sub but can still use the two satellite outputs. This means you have one big two channel amp if needed. I have used one of my subs before as a backup amp at last minute. - It makes a nice little drum sub and a wedge sits at a nice height on top too! - Easy to transport. Just chuck the 108s on the top of the sub and ratchet down. - Jack inputs allows me to use them as a simple MP3 playback system without anything else than a simple cable.

Both of my subs came with Europeon IEC cables.

I hope that helps a little.


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Thats exactly what I was hoping for. It seems to be good value for money.


Just a quick question though, if you don't mind: how do you go about using a different crossover with the sub powering the tops?



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Thats exactly what I was hoping for. It seems to be good value for money.


Just a quick question though, if you don't mind: how do you go about using a different crossover with the sub powering the tops?




Sorry about the above formatting. For some reason chrome on my iPad didn't put the line breakes and spaces in.


Sadly you'll have to use an external amplifier to use an external crossover with the tops. If you cross them over too low they'll not go very loud as they can't cope with going much lower than their set crossover. I usually hire in some powered 12" driver mains. I can then cross the subs over at something between 120 to 80 (I'm personally a fan of crossing over subs low).


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That's what I thought. The main use at first will be DJing, so I think it will probably be ok for that? When/if it comes to upgrading I will purchase the outboard to make it sound better. Or will it need a GEQ to make it useable at all?
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