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tascam md301mkII minidisc player


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We use a venerable tascam md301mkII for our audience announcements e.g. "Please take your seats the performance has just ended" kind of thing as our DSM's are shy of using a mic. It is now inclined to lose its settings when switched off for a period (can be a week between shows) and then plays all tracks in a burst if not reset. I presume that the there is a battery somewhere inside that is getting tired. Has anyone any experience of changing this battery? I have not yet taken the covers off.


Rob Thirlby, Leicester Little Theatre

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Er... I dont think there is an internal battery, in order to stop the "rolling" of tracks you to use auto pause, the function that only exists on the remote IIR. I have never had a tascam hold the setting for more than a week turned off.
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