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vl2500 spot


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I've done this a few times but without having the unit in front of me it's difficult to remember exactly.


At a glance the instructions on p38/39 do sound about right although I distinctly remember thinking there were some vital details left out of the 2500 service manuals and this might well be it.


However the principals are as I thought:


Disconnect cables at base end (top covers off, handles and side covers off etc.), tracing back removing any fixings as necessary until all the cabling that feeds into the yoke has been pulled through to the underside to so that you can fit the belt. Then refit in reverse.


As for the pan motor part it should be relatively straight-forward albeit potentially soul-destroyingly fiddly, especially if the springs come out.



Does that horribly vague answer help? If there's something in particular you're stuck with it might jog my memory.


/edit: Also meant to say it is a good idea to get a spare belt in there while you've got the wiring out. Cable tie to the loom to avoid fouling.

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