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Hello everyone,


a band I work fro are doing a charity gig on the 27th of march. last night they gave me a set list and I couldnt help but notice that they are doing the R.E.M classic 'Losing my religion'....very nice I thought ... and then I realised that I'd have to try and make a mandolin be heard infront of a crowd of atleast 200! ;)


I have never had to enginner a Mandolin before and I am guessing I would need a condenser mic?! something like an AKG C414? :D


can anyone help me on this issue and point me in the right direction?


please post a reply here or e-mail me!



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I'd say a C414 was a bit overkill for a mandolin, and poss. a bit too sensitive. . . if the mandolin in question doesn't have a built in pick up that you can DI, use a Sure SM57 or beyer M201. get the mic in as close as is practical.
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use a Sure SM57 or beyer M201.  get the mic in as close as is practical.


Use the SM57 as a door stop, and go for the M201, they have quite a nice sound on picked acoustic instruments.


should I delimit that by saying IMO.... .Narrr we all now how "special" the SM seres is :P

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use a Sure SM57 or beyer M201.  get the mic in as close as is practical.


Use the SM57 as a door stop, and go for the M201, they have quite a nice sound on picked acoustic instruments.


should I delimit that by saying IMO.... .Narrr we all now how "special" the SM seres is ;)


fair enough...that would be my preference, but 57s are fairly common...

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non-electro'd mandolins are a pain - nothing to do with the mic choice, it's that the players strumming hand tends to move very fast, and a close mic picks up the wind noise, or the buggers hit the mic. move it to a safer distance and the damn things are too quiet.
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