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Suck or blow? Rapid smoke removal


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For an upcoming show we've been asked to cover up an on-stage costume change using localised smoke. Once the change is complete, we then need to get rid of the smoke from around the performer as rapidly as possible for the reveal. Initial discussions are centred upon whether we suck it away with an overhead canopy above the actor or blow it upwards from below him to drive it up into the rig. The actor will be stood on a 4ft high balcony that has two trap doors and I'm hoping there's enough space down there to conceal an operative with at least one smoker (and possibly a fan) below one of the traps. So to save us going down too many blind alleys in the short time we have available, if anyone has experience of the best smokers to produce a dense localised cloud from below a stage (at not too great a rental expense) and the most efficient method to clear it from around the actor (types of fans, etc.), I'd be very grateful for your input.
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I do not rate your chances of removing smoke with a fan. It will just spread everywhere.


I would suggest using steam sim fluid which disperses very quickly all by itself. I have some JEM brand here, but I suspect the same effect could be achieved by diluting normal fluid with distilled water.

CO2 jets in front of the actor would be another possibility but more expensive (and noisy)

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Professional experience of doing this many times - either a curtain of dry-ice smoke dropping from above to create a curtain or steam jets / cryo jets from below / sides to create the cover. Using normal smoke is a no-no as the amount of smoke you;ll need to create enough coverage to ensure they are hidden is phenomenal and not something you'd be able to get rid of in any less than 20 seconds.

FYI - for clearing smoke you ALWAYS suck and duct the air preferably outside otherwise you just end up "hazing" the room with a fog that takes forever to clear.

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