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Just how good / bad is this device?


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Our singer was bought one of these for Christmas unfortunately.




Normally she'd use an SM58 or a Beta 58a wireless


Obviously she wants to use her Christmas pressie but some of us a not convinced :(


Anyone have any experience of these? I doubt you're going to get much for 140 quid.


Regards all.

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The weaknesses in el cheapo radio kit tend to expose themselves in the RX area moreso than the TX, i.e. RF dropouts, intermodulation from neighbouring channels, interferance from other users of cheap UHF kit crammed into ch.70 (yes, that includes the dodgy karaoke in the next function suite along), and so on...


The handheld may sound OK. Cheap mics, like counterfeit mics, don't automatically sound bad by default. Try it & see. I don't imagine you need to place the RX a long way from where the lady will be performing. You may be pleasantly surprised.



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It'll sound like any other £30 dynamic mic -this could be ok for her, so try it and see as has been suggested. If you move around to different venues, and any of them have other ch 70 users, then things might get tricky - the cheap Sennheiser copies work pretty well on their own - but fall over quite quickly when you attempt to run multichannel, because the selectivity and filtering is not up to it - so they get interfered with by users on close by channels. On their own - many people never even realise they have got a copy/counterfeit!
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With the greatest of respect let her use it and see what happens. its not of any real value posting on a forum "My mates bought this I think its going to be rubbish what do you think?" In my opinion this is only going to make a bad situation worse and hurtful. One gig or one rehearsal will prove the point one way or the other.


I don't have a direct experience of this mic but my locals Karaoke Queen had a gemini version of the same. Coupled with the gemini speakers she was using, the sound was, lets say. decidedly unintelligible!

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Thanks for all the replies.


Doug - that is what we're doing. I just wanted to get the low down as she's looking to me to support her. One of the other band members is really anti it, particularly as he was asked his opinion by the person who bought it. He advised against it as I would.


Regarding the Beta 58, its about the show. It will be visually better with a head mic. Personally I would have advised waiting until we have enough money for something really good but enthusiasm gets the better of people, myself included, at times.


Thanks for all the helpful replies.

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