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LED Par Cans


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Don't know the controller or parcan, but almost any controller will control DMX channels from 1. So set your parcan to DMX channel 1 (dip switch 1 on).

Then you can figure out what faders control what attributes (R,G,B, dim, strobe, macros etc) and take a note. If you get no light when moving faders, try putting up dip switch 10 with dip switch 1. Some pars use dip 10 to tell the parcan it's using DMX.

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Thanks for the reply. No joy I'm afraid, the par can doesn't seem to recognise that it's plugged into the controller. Dip 1 gave me nothing, and dips 1 and 10 gave me white light, which was the same when I tried it with the controller unplugged. Adjusting any of the sliders/buttons on the controller made no difference on either dip switch setting.
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No polarity switch. The cable is a bought one, and I have tried 2 now...


Problem solved... The idiots had sent me XLR sound cable http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif Thanks for the help anyway!

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Problem solved... The idiots had sent me XLR sound cable http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif Thanks for the help anyway!


There's no difference between "XLR sound cable" and DMX cable??


Is that a question or a statement?


We both know that there IS a difference.


We both also know that there is a good chance that the 'sound' cable should have worked.

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