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Had an issue with one of our Mac500s yesterday, Opened it up and found the locator magnet for ColourWh1 floating around inside the head.


Brought it back and opened it up to look into more detail and the magnet on ColourWh2 has just come off in my hand. On closer inspection I noticed the rotating gobo wheel has no locator magnet but that's not giving me any errors?!


I've temporarily replaced the magnets (Yep, LX Tape...) to see if that would solve the issue before putting them back in more permanently but that hasn't fixed it.


Any thoughts?



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Seems to have done it. What difference has it made glueing it in rather than temporarily sticking it in?


I've got a Pan Feedback error now though, As long as I can get through this week then I've got the quiet winter period to play a bit more!


Thanks Will!

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Seems to have done it. What difference has it made glueing it in rather than temporarily sticking it in?


Accuracy, probably. Or perhaps you inadvertently had them the wrong way round when they were held with the LX tape - the sensors are polarized so they only work with either the N pole of the magnet on one side of the sensor or the S pole on the other side.


The rotating gobos don't have a magnet or sensor as the position is initially set by banging the mechanism against the end stop on reset. This is what all the racket is about when you first switch them on.



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