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location of dimmer pack


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We currently locate our dimmer pack in a room that is used by people regularly. Would it be better practice (or is there any legal requirement) to store it in a separate room?


Certainly no legal requirement (at least nothing that specifically says "store a dimmer back in an unoccupied room") - it's all down to your own venue and risk assessment etc.


By way of example;


I've been in many venues where the, wall mounted, dimmers are in the same room as the control position. Obviously this is a room that's only occupied by people with technical experience etc - so not a problem at all.


Another venue I know of has them in a room that is used as a backstage area by performers (including shows where the majority of those performing are children) - these are hardwired dimmers with no patching so realistically no greater risk to anyone than a consumer unit or a pile of switches. The biggest risk was that the breakers could be accidentally switched off which could plunge the stage into darkness.


Finally I know of another venue where the dimmers are older with unshuttered 15A outlets which are used as a patch and a large number of tails with cables coiled on the floor etc presenting a trip hazard as well as the potential electrical one with unshuttered sockets. However, as these are in a locked room which is not publically accessible, it's not an issue.


Hopefully that gives a few different views on the subject :)

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A modern dimmer pack that requires a key or tool to access live parts, is arguably no more of a risk than the many other electrical appliances that are found in most buildings.


As posted above though, a risk assesment would be a good start

Un shuttered outlets, uncrewable fuse holders into which twits might insert conductive items, or significant trailing cables would suggest locating in a non-public area, preferably locked.

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The only reason I can think of for not having it in a busy area is simply the fiddle factor - people twiddling the control elements. You see dimmer packs in schools frequently, and I really can't see an issue with properly designed equipment.


The OP's question mentions 'store'. Store as in while not being used, or operate - as being used? If it is powered up, it's being used and presumably under somebodies watchful control.

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I regularly work in a local theatre which used to have it's old dimmers in the dressing room corridor - they were old strand JTM's with the air vent at the bottom - two issues were the amount of dust that got sucked into them, and the amount of cast members that hung stuff on them or worse - left cups of tea on top of them.


because of their age they've now been replaced that with six-channel packs distributed around the stage area/flyfloor and roof galleries - never been any significant issues with that except annoyances like scenery blocking access to them.

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At the venue I work at, our dimmers are hard wired installation racks with the only actual socket being a 32A TPNE for any extra equipment. The room they're located in is strictly speaking staff-only, however one of the building daytime user-groups is intent on storing various items in there. The dimmers and TPNE are tripped out at the distribution box when not in use so no harm done during daytime, however it can be very annoying for access etc.


As they're installation dimmers, nothing live can be touched, same with the amp rack which is also situated in the same room, so its not really a safety concern.

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