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Colour wheel question

Tivoli Phil

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I'm sure someone with more experience that me will be able to help with this, I'm doing a clean out of some old PR Pilot 150 units this week, and upon opening the first one I noticed one of the dichoric filters was rattling around in the bottom of the head. My question is what type of glue or silicone or whatever should I be using to re-attach it to the wheel? It's just not something I've ever had to worry about before.




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I have used standard bathroom silicone sealant from B&Q for this. Make sure it really is silicone and not acrylic though.

Also when applying the silicone, use a small screwdriver to put a tiny blob on each corner, it's very easy to get too much on and make a horrible smeary mess of the dichroic.

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Hi guys, sorry to go off on a tangent but new issue;


One of the units has a colourwheel issue. The stepper motor will not return after its travel. Suggestions? I'm thinking lubricate the wheel first (as it does feel a little stiff) and then if that fails swap the motor for one from a different unit and check for the same problem. If the turns out to be the issue, anyone know a good place to get these motors?


Thanks in advance,



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or try opening the stepper, a good clean, and flush the bearings with isopropyl alcahol will work (lube with WD40), if not a dremel drum sander , clean the windings laminates, then a good clean, reassemble. Works for me mostly. get at least another year or 2 out of the same stepper.
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