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Lighting Courses


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Hiya all

I'm just wondering if any of you know of any lighting training courses for beginners in the north west preferably around the Manchester area. I've had some very very basic training so I know the difference between a Par and a Fresnel, but I have no idea about dimmer racks etc.

Thank you in advance Lhcc98

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The trouble is there aren't really any beginners courses because of the general interest level locally being quite low, but the ABTT do some good training haver a look here.


If you know a bit about lights, why not join a local am dram society, it's a good and very cheap and fun way of getting access to interesting equipment and learning as you go.


However, many people learn lots from books and http://www.etbooks.co.uk have lots of lighting titles.

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Iv learnt all I know from playing with kit and reading stuff on the web. Granted I may not know all the detail of photometrics and such, but I know enought to program the lights for a show as well as knowing the different light types and features. This forum is a great resorce with loads of great info so if you do find some kit to play with and have questions you will be sure to find some answers here :-)
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If you know a bit about lights, why not join a local am dram society, it's a good and very cheap and fun way of getting access to interesting equipment and learning as you go.


I'd second that. Pay your local am-dram groups a visit, talk to the technician people, find a group that seems friendly and get your hands dirty.




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In addition to the local am-drams, you might want to drop an email to the Tech Manager of your local theatre. Some of them have a volunteers program where you basically coil cable and tape down multis but you get to see what's going on, and if you're willing enough the full timers give you a bit of their experience in return. Great way to see the industry first hand, learn on current kit and, if you want to continue in the industry, generate some contacts for later use.


Whereabouts in the UK are you?

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Noda run a summer school every year. not only do they do front of stage courses but also backstage ones on lighting and sound.Here is a link to get you started. I have done a lighting and sound corses as well as the BTEC in live entertainment with them over consecutive years and gound them great value for money as well as an opportunity to meet like minded bods



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Thanks all sounds like I've got enough to be going on with :) . I already do a lot with am dram the one I've been working with for years haven't had much of a lighting system but I've just recently joined a few new ones so hopefully they will be able to show me more. And ninjadingle a place called Burnley just near Blackburn.
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