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Audio issues on mp4


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We're currently in tech for a show and we're having problems playing the audio on some of the video files the designer has sent us.


We're using an Arkaos MediaMaster (windows based), the video files are mpeg4. Some of the files play fine (also mpeg4), but 3 of them aren't.


Interestingly, one of the files plays the last few seconds of audio, but the rest of the track is lost. All of the files play fine on the mac we downloaded them on to for transfer to the server.


We've requested new files from the designer a second time, as we think it's a problem with the way the sound has been added to the files, rather than an issue with the server.


Has anybody else had this kind of issue before, and how did they go about fixing it?

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This is an issue I have come across before so maybe this can be of help.


In the circumstances where I have seen this it is because an initial version of the Microsoft MPEG4 Decoder simply could not play the audio. Unfortunately though it took presidency over all other codecs installed on the system. The way I resolved this was to select which codec you used in the software. If you select something like MainConcept or any other decoder apart from the Microsoft one it should play fine.


Not sure though whether you can select the decoder in Arkaos. I would suggest running updates on your system as Microsoft have fixed this bug.


Your solution to re-encode the video using a different audio compression should work too.

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I've seen this in Qlab too (Mac, natch), even when the video and audio will both play OK in Quicktime. Without too much investigation into precisely what the exact codec issue is, re-encoding the MP4 using something like Handbrake usually sorts it out.
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Sadly HandBreak hasn't helped here, although it was very nice and easy to use.



It seems that the problem we have is playing the audio which has been recorded by the camera. The files play fine on a PC and a mac, but not through the media server.

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Hello again!


For those who are interested, the problem was an external sound card. We're not sure if the card itself was dodgy, or if it was because the audio was being sent over USB and therefore being further compressed. We've now sorted the problem, thanks you to everybody who tried to help!



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