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WWRY Laser Cage


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Hi all,


So there've been many discussions on here about the laser cage and how to achieve it. Gobos, actual lasers and even projection. But - has anybody done it but on purpose made it not a laser? If that makes sense.


So instead of trying to recreate a laser, just using a S4 5 or 10 degree to create a very narrow beam of light (perhaps even a mover or profile with iris in) - similar to a tunnel of light that might pick you up from a UFO or something?


Just thinking outside the box (well trying to) for a production I've got coming up.



Cheers all!




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I've had a great deal of success with the DHA Laser Cone gobo (DHA 892.)Provided you've got a good axial spot to project it and a shed load of haze it really looks effective. In fact my first foray with them was for a production that had four in Strand Quartet 22/40's and they still looked great as they were low down and crossed out into the audience. You'll probably not need too narrow a spot as the cone is not that big.

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When we did it at my last job, we built pin spots into the floor of the set. Gave a very different effect but rather nice as there was enough spill from them to uplight the people in the cages so little other lighting was needed.
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Laser cone gobo's is the way we've done it 3 times now. All to great effect.

One tip. If you've got it in a mover, rotate the gobo and experiment with speed. A laser cone shouldn't see any benefit from rotation as it's basically a ring, so no breakup so to speak. But rotating it (quite fast I seem to remember) gives it a certain "wobble" that looks quite nice and "Scifi".

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Hi all,


Thanks for the replies.


Laser cone gobo (in fact 892) is how I've seen it done a few times too - I just wanted to do something a little bit "different" whilst not being too far from the original.


The pinspot idea does sound very cool!

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Done it with a laser cone gobo and with an actual laser - both were quite effective in their own way but obviously looked different.


Making sure there's enough haze to see the beam is far more important than what produces the beam - one night our hazer was playing up and the effect was completely lost :(

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