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My amp went bang but still works(ish)


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I was playing around in my studio the other day, turned the power on and as I did I heard a loud BANG!


There was no smoke and it wasn't instantly apparent what went bang as all lights were on from what I could tell.


So I unplugged everything and went through one by one plugging things in and building up till I had tried everything.


I then started playing some music and noticed that on my PA one channel kept intermittently cutting out and then coming back in.


At first I thought it was my mackie 1640i desk, but quickly ruled this out using my studio monitors on the master out.


This led me back to my PA, the amp is an audio head AH1800.


The amp powered fine with no protection circuitry kicking in but I could clearly see that one channel was cutting out from time to time. It would play audio but maybe it seemed slightly quieter than the other channel when it was playing I couldn't be 100%.


Any way can anyone help? Any ideas what might have gone bang or how I could figure out what is wrong exactly?


I have some electronic skills but am no genius (more micros than amps).





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I've had a very similar problem and ended up sending my amp back as it was still under warranty. Turned out to be a dry joint in the channel that caused the problem, the only real solution for which is getting a qualified electrician to re- solder it.
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A qualified electrician to solder it - I think more of an electronics engineers job! I seem some "qualified electricians" soldering work - wow its a mess, but wire up a building - its a thing of beauty!
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A qualified electrician to solder it - I think more of an electronics engineers job! I seem some "qualified electricians" soldering work - wow its a mess, but wire up a building - its a thing of beauty!


haha! Very good point!

Take it to an Electronics engineer, not to dodgy dezz round the corner...

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