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Congo and cycs

the kid

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So once upon a time I was in a venue that created a profile on their desk (a pallet I think) for the cyc, so the cyc was coloured RGBW and thus could do some rudimentary colour mixing, good for comedy and music etc.


I am just wondering if doing such a thing should be possible on a congo jr, and if so what is going to be the way to do it?

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You could easily patch a generic RGBW parcan/LED fixutre, from the start address generally it will take 4 DMX channels. So your start address is your first cyc dimmer, the next 3 dimmers need to be the green, blue and white channels. Make sense?


Or you could create your own fixutre which might give you some control over the order of the channels and their addresses.

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You could easily patch a generic RGBW parcan/LED fixutre, from the start address generally it will take 4 DMX channels. So your start address is your first cyc dimmer, the next 3 dimmers need to be the green, blue and white channels. Make sense?


Or you could create your own fixutre which might give you some control over the order of the channels and their addresses.


I was thinking about doing the latter, ... or both just which one would be easier, I was also hoping that I could in theory then do a colour select, so the 106 / 026 is the red ... is that makes sense.


E2a - But looking I cannot see a way to create a profile, so I GUESS I have to edit one, just what one.

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IIRC you should be able to go to the profiles section, arrow down to underneath the last profile and press insert, should take you to blank screen, then press 1 insert, then 2 insert and so on for as many attributes you need. You should then be able to toggle each atribute and select a function you want, DMX channel and where in the focus, colour beam palates you want it. With some clever patching of intensities and colours you should be able to create some thing close to what youre after. However I could be totally wrong as I am trying to recall it all with out my desk whilst watching Disney Jr with the kids
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I looked at that, you have to load the profiles you want for your show 1st IIR you cannot randomly create a item.


I am away from the desk again until Friday so will look again then. Ideally I would like to use the colour picker with it.

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Yes, you can easily make new ones.

(This is all explained in the Help file, Templates - Editor onwards. Hit [?], then [Text] and type "template" to search for it)


[browser] > Patching > Settings and Tools > Templates...

Hit [Modify] on the "Templates..." text (or double-click it)

You get the list of templates already in the show.

(These can also be renamed and edited if you like.)


Now press [insert] and you'll get a new, blank Template at the bottom of the list.

Rename it as usual ([Modify] in the Text cell, type name, [Modify])


Select the "Parameters" cell, and hit [Modify] to edit the parameters of the fixture.


[insert] for a new parameter, then edit the new parameter as needed:

Parameter type, DMX offset (and Low DMX for the 'fine'), 8/16bit, Default (Home), Highlight etc


Some hints:

If the fixture doesn't have its own Intensity, tick "Fade With Int" (FWI) to tell the console a given parameter should be affected by the 'virtual' Intensity.

- Eg RGB in many LED fixtures, compare with the Generic > RGB template.

You'll also usually set the Default value of RGB(W) attributes to Full (255) as Homing to White is more useful than Black.

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Great, does this also mean I should in theory also have the chance to then edit this profile and select the colour I want via the colour mix pallet?


I guess in THEORY I can create a sub to turn on the "fixtures" and then do live mixing with the mouse but also just use the subs if I wanted?

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Yes, yes and yes.


You can also assign the colour attributes to faders if you prefer that to encoders, and they'll control the currently-selected 'fixture' just like the encoders.


The colour picker won't use the White channels though, you'll need to add White yourself as required.

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Right made "a profile" the cyc is 77-79


The profile has blue, green, red DMX offset 1-2-3 I have tried to put it in as an item to the channel/s and its just not playing ball is there something missing ?



My head is melting a bit again, odd given the current weather.

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Come on, you of all people know better than that!

What exactly happens?


For control this way, you patch each 'block' of BGR to a desk Channel in exactly the same way you patch an LED Parcan or any other device.


I'm guessing that you've made one (or both) of these mistakes in the template:

  • Default (Home) and Highlight should be Full (255), not 0.
    - You want it to Home and Highlight to White, not to Black!
  • Fade With Intensity needs to be Ticked.

The easiest way is to import the Generic > RGB template and then rearrange the DMX addresses.

For bonus points, change the name to "Kid's Cyc" or something.


Also, is there any particular reason you didn't phone me yet?

I'm sat by my phone, ready and waiting like a coiled sponge.

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