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Showtec Phantom 575 Pro EB v2 Schematic Needed

Don Allen

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I am looking for a schematic for a Showtec Phantom 575 Pro EB v2 main pcb. Ther are two models with the same part number pcb - MH005D


Showtec Phantom 575 Basic EB order code 40183 which uses the same part number main circuit board but has five less stepper motor drivers fitted, U5, U7, U14, U19, U21 and their associated components. http://www.highlite.nl/silver.download/Documents@extern@Manuals/40183_MANUAL_GB_V2.pdf


Showtec Phantom 575 Pro EB v2 order code 40184 http://www.highlite.nl/silver.download/Documents@extern@Manuals/40184_MANUAL_GB_V2.pdf


I have received three MH005D pcb's from Showtec but theye are the basic version so need to populated the pcb for five stepper drivers. My Showtec tech contact is on holidays so I would like to know what the smd component values are, has anyone got a schematic for either version pcb please that they couls email to me?




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I am looking for a schematic for a Showtec Phantom 575 Pro EB v2 main pcb. Ther are two models with the same part number pcb - MH005D


Showtec Phantom 575 Basic EB order code 40183 which uses the same part number main circuit board but has five less stepper motor drivers fitted, U5, U7, U14, U19, U21 and their associated components. http://www.highlite....ANUAL_GB_V2.pdf


Showtec Phantom 575 Pro EB v2 order code 40184 http://www.highlite....ANUAL_GB_V2.pdf


I have received three MH005D pcb's from Showtec but theye are the basic version so need to populated the pcb for five stepper drivers. My Showtec tech contact is on holidays so I would like to know what the smd component values are, has anyone got a schematic for either version pcb please that they couls email to me?





Just a warning of a possible snag with this. I don't know that unit but, it is likely that the firmware is very different between the two versions so simply repopulating the PCB is unlikely to be the whole story. You need the microcontroller to know about the extra drivers/motors too. If there is nothing programmable (microcontroller, ROM etc) on the PCB you are talking about then that won't be a problem of course



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Hi Dave


The firmware microcontroller is on the front panel display pcb, so control should not be a problem, the MH005D pcb is the stepper drivers and their associated demultiplexers.


I will know once I populate a pcv as to if their is any hiccups.


I have requested the fully populated pcb's from Showtec, have been waiting for a week now with no reply.




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  • 9 months later...
Hi Don, were you able to get the populated PCB? Did you populate the bare PCB's by looking at the populated ones? Did you encounter any problem while populating? I asked a lot of questions, my apologies.
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Hello Dave


I populated the wrong pcb sent to me and it did not work because the firmware on the lesser populated pcb did not recognise the extra stepper motor drivers, as DrV pointed out.


I was able to get the driver ic's but not all of the smd resistors and capacitors so had to use some from one of the faulty pcb's.


Ended up sending a photo of the four boards we wanted and Showtec eventually sent the correct ones for the Showtec Phantom 575 Pro EB v2 order code 40184 http://www.highlite....ANUAL_GB_V2.pdf.

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