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Old Turbosound to Nexo?


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I've not switched the 241 on yet as only collected it today. talking to the guy I reckon that I'd just wire them up in the same mode as the PS15 / LS1200.


The way he's got the amps patched in, it might actually help drive the amps better as the bass ext cabs linked out of the back of PS15s would take the load down to 4ohms and (if my dumbo understanding of such things is remotely correct) will pull the kind of power out of the QSC & Powersoft amps that Nexo recommend.


Thanks for the offer of help - I really do need a local guy who knows his way around pro audio and have dropped you a note to this effect.

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I've not switched the 241 on yet as only collected it today. talking to the guy I reckon that I'd just wire them up in the same mode as the PS15 / LS1200.


Yep. You treat the extension cabs as if they were just another pair of normal 15's.



The way he's got the amps patched in, it might actually help drive the amps better as the bass ext cabs linked out of the back of PS15s would take the load down to 4ohms and (if my dumbo understanding of such things is remotely correct) will pull the kind of power out of the QSC & Powersoft amps that Nexo recommend.


Well, no, not really. Yes the amp delivers more power into a 4ohm load but you're splitting that between two cabs. You can't magically create more power from the same amp.

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Just to point out that the minimum recommended amp spec for PS15s is 1000W/channel RMS into 8 ohms, the idea being to let the PS controller do all the speaker protection via the feedback connections (which are an essential feature of the TD controllers, and mustn't be omitted). You can certainly run PS15s with smaller amps, but you won't be getting the best out of them, and run a much higher risk of clipping the amps, which will damage the speakers.
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Just to point out that the minimum recommended amp spec for PS15s is 1000W/channel RMS into 8 ohms, the idea being to let the PS controller do all the speaker protection via the feedback connections (which are an essential feature of the TD controllers, and mustn't be omitted). You can certainly run PS15s with smaller amps, but you won't be getting the best out of them, and run a much higher risk of clipping the amps, which will damage the speakers.


OK, now I'm worried. As posted previously, the rig came as a 'complete with the following in the amp rack: Nexo NX241 Digital TDcontroller. b) QSC PLX3002 Power Amp supplying 550watts per channel into 8ohms and 900watts per channel into 4ohms. c) Powersoft Digam D4002 Power amplifier.- 600watts per channel into 8ohms and 1100watts per channel into 4ohms.

The original rig was 2 x ps15s + 1 x ls1200. So, if you are right in what you say, the rig was under-amped even before I added the two ps15bass extension cabs?

Three questions to the forum, then:-

1. Do I need to change the power amps?

2. What do I need to change them to?

3. What will I notice in terms of difference in performance?

I fired the rig up for the first time yesterday - only for a few moments to test that the new speakers were ok- and the man from two streets away who came around to complain after only 90 seconds of Danse Macabre, would confirm that it's rather loud :-)

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Of course the Nexos will work with smaller than recommended amps, you just won't be using them as designed - and what's the point of having such high-tech speakers if you don't use them properly? Good amps would be Crown MacroTech 3600VZ or MC2 E45 - 2 of each - or of course the Nexo NXAMP4X4C, but this already has the TD controller built in. I'm sure there will be other recommendations! As far as performance is concerned, they'll be louder (obviously!) but also have a much more powerful, rounded sound. More important, even at high power, the amps shouldn't be driven into clipping.
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Three questions to the forum, then:-

1. Do I need to change the power amps?

2. What do I need to change them to?

3. What will I notice in terms of difference in performance?

I fired the rig up for the first time yesterday - only for a few moments to test that the new speakers were ok- and the man from two streets away who came around to complain after only 90 seconds of Danse Macabre, would confirm that it's rather loud :-)



1. as previously mentioned, you don't need to but yes there are better amps for your speakers out there.


2. I'd recommend Camco Vortex 6's. Two of them, one for sub(s) and one for tops. But make sure ur sitting before you look up the price


3. You will certainly notice a difference with camco's there ultra powerfull if a little hissy, when used with GEO at 1.6 ohms.


as for the complaint, Iv had a complaint from my neighbour across a main road from my surround sound system when watching Tron :(

(prob the Hk Elias Sub I have ** laughs out loud **)

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I always liked Lab Gruppen amps. Something like the C:16:4 or FP & FP+ Series I felt they worked really with the ps8 rig we had for small shows.

But like greenalien says, there will probably be loads of recommendations. Something robust and from the pro side of the industry is a must. Can't fault the Maco Techs...

1344070314[/url]' post='448189']

Of course the Nexos will work with smaller than recommended amps, you just won't be using them as designed - and what's the point of having such high-tech speakers if you don't use them properly? Good amps would be Crown MacroTech 3600VZ or MC2 E45 - 2 of each - or of course the Nexo NXAMP4X4C, but this already has the TD controller built in. I'm sure there will be other recommendations! As far as performance is concerned, they'll be louder (obviously!) but also have a much more powerful, rounded sound. More important, even at high power, the amps shouldn't be driven into clipping.

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Thanks guys - good input and much appreciated.


To be honest I'd forgotten just how expensive pro amps are. Here's another question for you - my current budget will probably spin to another LS1200 and ONE new amplifier. Say I went for a 2nd hand Crown Macrotech 5000vz and had to retain one of the existing amps, what you would stick the Crown driving - the two LS1200 subs, or the 4 PS15 / PS15bass cabs?


Then, that decision made, which amp would you retain from the existing rack - the slightly more powerful Powersoft 4002, or the QSC?

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I shouldn't bother Pete. Do some gigs. If you find that it's lacking, then buy more kit.


I might swap the 2 amps you've got over if I were you. So the more powerful Powersoft is driving the tops and the basses and the PLX the single sub and monitors.


Not a bad shout. We'll know more once we've had that test run we've talked about, of course.


I was thinking of getting another LS1200 as I say earlier, hence the thought of getting a bigger amp to drive them. Someone said in an earlier post that the subs need a bigger amp driving them. Would you agree, or is that going to be total overkill for the kind of gigs we discussed (100-200 pax)

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SSE still have their ampnesty international (Not sure if Ryan deserves a medal or locking up for that name!) scheme running. If you've got an old amp, working or not, they'll give you an extra 10% off of your existing discount on a new Lab Gruppen amp (certain models).

Clearly you need to look at market value if you sold the amp second hand to see if it's worth it, but I mention it in case you happen to have a knackered amp sat on the shelf somewhere. I know I've got a few so it's worth considering...

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