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Old Turbosound to Nexo?


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First post, so can I start with a thanks for all the great threads and advice I've read on here over time.


Bit of a dilemma now that I could do with some advice on if possible. I'm the guy in the band who back in the day got lumbered with sorting the pa out so, although I don't really know what I'm doing, 25 years of listening to those who do has taught me enough to get by.


As we've got older, the gigs have got smaller, so from the 10K Turbosound TMS range we used to tour with, all I've got left now is the small TMI115 and TMI112s that we used to use as side fill. To be honest, it's a superb little rig and never let us down. We've hired in when we needed to, but it's now got to the stage where we're just playing for fun in pubs and small venues up to 200-300 max, so it's not worth doing that anymore and I want us to be totally self-sufficient.


Here's the rub......


I want a little bit more punch in the bottom end than I get from the single 15s, but when I asked a Turbo dealer about upgrading to the newer Turbo rigs, he advised to hang on to the stuff I'd got, as it's loads better than the newer Turbo enclosures targeted at the small pa market.


Parallel to this, our drummer bought a 2x Nexo PS10 + 1 x LS500sub + PS10 amp / controller during an aborted experimentation with using V-drums live.


To get that slightly bigger bottom end I'm thinking of selling the trusty Turbo and getting another Nexo LS500 and possibly another couple of PS10s so we're a bit more versatile with the direction of the tops.


So., after all the waffle, here's the questions:- 1. is the not-the-latest Nexo PS10 gear better than the 20 year old Turbosound TMI range. 2. Can I run the 1 extra LS500 and 2 extra PS10s off the same controller amp? 3. With the tops having left and right matching, does that mean I'm going create issues running two of these per side?


Any help or advice you can give would be great fully received.



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The PS range don't really array very well due to the asymmetric horns they have. If you want more grunt either look to use the second pair as delays/fills or maybe think about getting a PS15/LS1200 setup instead.
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I'd certainly recommend the PS15/ LS1200 system, with a ls1200 a side if you can. then use the ps10's as out fills or delays if/when required.


if you do decide to buy another ps10 system the way to get the boxes to array is to have one box upside down and rotate the horn 180. it gets the horns away from each other.

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Can't say I've ever had a problem with putting PS10s next to each other, despite it being 'bad practice'.


As for the question will it be better than a 20 year old system, I'd really hope so!



As with anything, the best thing to do is try it and see.


I can't remember if the PS10amp will run 2 subs and 4 PS10s. You'd have to read the manual.

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Thanks everyone. Good advice much appreciated.


Looks like we might sell the PS10 / ls500 rig and go for the ps15 / ls1200 - although I'm going to try and pick one up first!. There's a rig on ebay at the mo which might do the trick, although I'm not sure about the amp rack. When I worra lad pa amps weighed a ton. 1 U Powersoft - have things really come on that far?http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

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Looks like we might sell the PS10 / ls500 rig and go for the ps15 / ls1200 - although I'm going to try and pick one up first!. There's a rig on ebay at the mo which might do the trick, although I'm not sure about the amp rack. When I worra lad pa amps weighed a ton. 1 U Powersoft - have things really come on that far?http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


Yes they have. That amprack is a bargain!

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Can't say I've ever had a problem with putting PS10s next to each other, despite it being 'bad practice'.


Walk from left to right in front of a pair, you'll hear all sorts of filtering going on.

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There's a rig on ebay at the mo which might do the trick, although I'm not sure about the amp rack. When I worra lad pa amps weighed a ton. 1 U Powersoft - have things really come on that far?http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


If its the Amp rack with the NX241, then the NX241's are great if you have lots of different nexo systems, but if its just the one system definitely use the analogue controllers. The NX241's are quite a bit hissy compared to the analogue controllers, plus with the latest update there is no stereo wide for the PS15's anymore meaning it has crossover, no matter what. Oh and I'd suggest cameo voted amps. there fantastic for the nexo stuff.

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Can't say I've ever had a problem with putting PS10s next to each other, despite it being 'bad practice'.


Walk from left to right in front of a pair, you'll hear all sorts of filtering going on.


As I say, it was fine.


I'd probably not buy them with arraying in mind, but when it's what you've got... It's certainly not the problem it's made out to be on here. Small front loaded speakers are generally not for arraying.

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Well, I bought the amp rack with this kit in it:-

a) Nexo NX241 Digital TDcontroller. b) QSC PLX3002 Power Amp supplying 550watts per channel into 8ohms and 900watts per channel into 4ohms. c) Powersoft Digam D4002 Power amplifier.- 600watts per channel into 8ohms and 1100watts per channel into 4ohms.


If anyone has any thought on my final dilemma(s):-


a) buy the ps15s and mix these with the ps10s / ls500 so I have a scaleable system from small pubs to medium venues


b). Will the above amps / controller set up allow this?


c) Should I add an ls200 (and would 1 be enough)


Many thanks for the advice so far - really helpful





ps - there was a 'd' option I forgot - buy two more ps10s + an additional LF500?

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Well, things seem to move on quickly in the PA world. Thanks to some good input here and speaking to dealers, most issues are resolved now. Thanks again to everyone who has helped me.


My final question relates to subs.


I learned today about the existence of PS15bass extension cabs. Given these are a lot easier to manoeuvre than the LS1200, does anyone have an views on whether I should go that way, or just hold back until I get some LS1200?


It's for a 5 piece guitar band (with keys). generally to 150 - 200 audiences in small venues, healthy does of rock numbers . Ideally I'd like the full arc (which no doubt I'll end up getting eventually) so the question I guess is which to go for first - the bass extension cabs or LS1200 subs, or am I better to leave oner or the other out all together?





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Well, these PS15 bass ext cabs definitely exist - according to the blurb they give more punch to the PS15, whilst obviously not having the true sub output of the LS1200. They are virtually the same as the PS15 without the horn - someone who understands such things would be able to follow the technical spec, but there are some differences.


For smaller gigs they might be just right for me I think in giving the bass drum some trouser flapping capability, but without having to lump around the LS1200.


Now I've got the NX241 digital controller, the world has all of a sudden become a whole lot more complex. It appears that there are pre-sets for the different configurations. The bass ext cabs connect out of the back of the PS15s, whereas the LS1200 has its own feed (forgive my lack of correct terminology).


The absence of a setting for 2 x PS15 + 2 x PS15 bass ext + LS1200 suggests that this particular configuration isn't possible, so I'm thinking of using either the bass ext cabs OR the LS1200. However, if anyone has experience of this rig and can advise otherwise I'd be really grateful for any advice.

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Is there a program in the 241 for PS15 full range (WB - wideband) and LS1200? If so, then presumably you could use the PS15 bass too. I can't imagine why you'd want to though. If you want proper man's sub, get a pair of S2s!


If I can be of any help Pete, feel free to contact me, I don't live too far from you, and there are local Nexo stockists I could put you in touch with if you want to try this stuff out.

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