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Jesus Staging


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I'm sure someone will start a topic on it soon, so though that for once it would be me.. :)


Sat watching the 'Search for Jesus' at the mo and must say I am very impressed with the set and the way the LD is lighting the different moods for each number.

Some of the competition staging for this sort of thing (including X Factor etc) seem very stark and pretty same-ish, but this one is full of texture and potential for a great mix of different lighting states.


Don't know if anyone here is working on the show, but in my opinion, kudos to the team.


Also like the way the now obligatory LED wall (which does look to be a lot higher resolution than some I've seen) is integrated into the design rather than just being 'there'.

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Regardless of how nice it looks, I fail to see the point of the show. Just take the budget for the whole damn thing and give it to Steve Balsamo to play the role - you'll not find a better Jesus, no matter how many desperate wannabes they trot out in front of His Royal Ugliness.
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Ah, but Gareth, you miss the whole point of doing these competitions - it means there will be people flocking to buy tickets for the eventual arena gigs off the back of the TV - the cynic in me feels it's a little like prostituting the genre to a point BUT there's also a part of me that thinks that ANY way to get the rank and file introduced to theatre has to be good.



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I reckon the Beeb gave up on their 'ban' on any advertising whatsoever years ago. OK, there's no actual commercial breaks, but there's plenty of instances where product placement sneaks into programmes, and whereas it used to be agin the rules to mention company names or (God forbid) 'the other side' it's now almost compulsory.



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Anyway - these stadium tours are TV anyway, because you have to watch it on the screens because everyone is so far away. I really enjoyed War of the Worlds - but mentioned to the person sitting next to me that this bloke sounds just like Justin Hayward in the original - she looked at me oddly and said "It IS Justin Heyward!". On the screens there hadn't been a close up, close enough for me to tell. I reckon this will be the same - long shot spectacle, that's all.
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Well, the week progresses, and I STILL think that regardless of what anyone might think about the reason for the shows, I continue to be impressed by the overall production values. It really is the whole package for me. As I said I like the way that the lighting complements the way the stage is set, the VT on the various LED panels is really well coordinated not just to the lighting but also fits the perfiormances and the songs.

And I suddenly realised that something else was pleasing me, and that's the absence of quite so much flitting from camera to camera to camera, including strange angled shots which in other programmes seem to be done 'just because we can'.


And as for the songs themselves, (if I ignore the obligatory group numbers at the start of the shows) I'd say there are some pretty strong performances coming out in these guys. Tonight's offerings had a few gems, in my opinion.


OT, and a slightly tongue in cheek observation, but it seems that the performer getting the most exposure on the shows is the attractive lass playing guitar on several songs throughout the series! :)

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