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Has anyone noted an increase in requests for PLI?


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Has anyone else noticed an upsurge in requests for PLI certs? I only ask because a group of modelmakers that I know (just hobbists) are now been asked to provide their own PLI for every event that they have been displaying at for years. In the past it's either been under the venue insurance or just not mentioned. And these are LEGO models, so not very dangerous ;-)


Then today I got asked for a copy of our PLI to book a dinner venue for 50. That's never happened before....



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does sound a bit odd that you're having to provide PLI for a dinner venue - but that kinda depends on what you're all intending to do. I'd have thought the hotel/restaurant would be providing cover for it themselves on the basis that it's their core business.


I have noticed that more venues I work in, if they don't already know me, are asking for a copy of my PLI certificate - Councils have always done so even where I've worked for them for years. I think this is in response to a few cases where cowboy contractors have said they have PLI but in reality don't.


(Not in entertainment - but I've got a friend who's suing a building firm at the moment that didn't have PLI when his house extension work went a bit wrong, but their contract stated "fully insured")


I scan a copy of mine each year and save it in the back of my website - that way I can always access it when out of the office if someone asks for it without prior warning, same with generic risk assessments and the like.


PLI isn't that expensive for basic cover - but shop around as last time I looked for a new insurer the prices did vary quite a lot.

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When we let out spaces hirers have to submit a PLI certificate or pay extra to be included under ours.


We insure our public liability for the room and it's contents, but without prior arrangement with our insurers we can't cover the liability of an external group for the activities they are hosting as they are outside our control.

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It has always been the case that if you are paid for work as a self-employed sub-contractor you need PLI irrespective of who else has it.


It has been a bone of contention on outdoor sites where EVERYONE has to have PLI, from the land owner and promoter to the caterers and toilet crew. Umpteen premiums are paid for the same cover, Grrrrr! It is just an income source for insurers and they aren't about to let it go easily.


I think the reason it is being requested is that people are now far more litigation-aware.

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Has anyone else noticed an upsurge in requests for PLI certs? I only ask because a group of modelmakers that I know (just hobbists) are now been asked to provide their own PLI for every event that they have been displaying at for years. In the past it's either been under the venue insurance or just not mentioned. And these are LEGO models, so not very dangerous ;-)



Just not mentioned - or probably assumed I expect.


I am not surprised at the development since there is at least one case running in steam preservation at the moment where an insurer is pursuing any possible 'last man standing' pretty aggressively through the courts.


In my fields sight of PLI certificates and indeed details of the master policy is increasingly being requested because some exhibitors were claiming to be covered under policies that actually didn't cover them for that particular risk.

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@Junior8 - ahhh, that might explain it. The venue that kicked off my question is the NRM in York.. The dinner venue that asked me was Cardiff Castle.


It's not a big deal at all for me, as it's covered under my annual policy. But the LEGO modelers are now starting to have long conversations over who actually is responsible for anything. They've discovered the joys of PAT testing their own kit too for the first time ;-)



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